Sponsored by L. W. Gay, Post 55 of the American Legion. Starring Kay Fleming as the Movie Queen.
Sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. Starred Mabel Morrison as the Movie Queen.
Hosted by local Kiwanis Club.
The film was held as a charity event for underprivileged children. A parade was held featuring all the animals from the local zoo. Janet Judd starred as the Movie Queen. The performance featured three acts. The movie queen arrived at a train station with her casting remaining a mystery before that point. The event was a combination stage show, style show, screen show, and parade. The film was sponsored by the Menasha Lions Club (under President O.K. Ferry).
F.A. Buttrey Company did costuming for the fashion segment. Peggy Crabtree starred as Mary Brown. There was a stage show before the viewing. There was also a dance by Dolores Shepherd. The film was sponsored by the Harve Lions Club.
Sponsored by the Butte Kiwanis Club (James Tullis, Chairman) for the Charity for Underprivileged Children. Featured singing by Connie Smith. The main character is kidnapped in a jewelry store and later arrives to town in an airplane.
Combined movie and stage show. Held for the benefit of the Infant Paralysis Fund. Starred Mrs. Hugh Bancroft Jr. as Mary Brown.
Starred Dorothy Smith as Mary Brown. Featured song and dance by Patty Lou Carew and Bob Porter. Costumes from local store "The Golden Rule." The central drug store served as the ticket sales station. Sponsored by the Logansport Exchange Club. Exhibited at the Logan Theatre.
Sponsored by the "Rotary Club Frolic." Other attractions included a fashion show with "the latest creations." The film was described as a "big laugh show" in which you could "see yourself on the silver screen."
Sponsored by the Lions Club.
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