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Date produced: 1956


Alan W. Grayston


"With the original in Filmorama, the picture above is somewhat distorted by being squeezed. The film shows life in Nova Scotia and is a beautifully planned travelogue showing the people, their customs and the country," The PSA Journal, Nov. 1956, 22.

Image of India

Date produced: 1967


Roy D. Charlton


"Image of India takes us for a brief visit to this far off land and shows us the life of the people. A good narration goes a long way towards this film's success" PSA Journal, Aug. 1967, 37.

Impressions of Yugoslavia

Date produced: 1935


Gwladys Wynne Sills

In Linden Lea

Date produced: 1939


A. Scott Moorhouse


"In Linden Lea is A. Scott Moorhouse's tribute to a mother land, a tribute paid with distinction and an admirable warmth of feeling. We go to the English countryside, where Mr. Moorhouse sings, in film, the ancient refrain that Chaucer, Shakespeare, Gray, Wordsworth, Jefferies, Kipling and Brooke lifted in the English tongue. It is Mr. Moorhouse's good fortune and his sound cinematic ability that have permitted him to bring what he feels so strongly in a very direct fashion to his audience. His is the last sight of a peaceful England, recorded with vibrant emotion. "Rainbows; and the blue bitter smoke of wood; "And radiant raindrops couching in cool flowers; "And flowers themselves, that sway through sunny hours, "Dreaming of moths that drink them under the moon; " These, Mr. Moorhouse has greatly loved, as did Brooke, and in English woods, he would hope we shall "see no enemy, but winter and rough weather." In this beautiful Kodachrome footage are preserved the byways, the little ways, the errant and individual ways through which wander the casual cows, the meandering motors, the clopping carts and the quiet English, themselves, while to right of them and left of them are "English unofficial roses." And there is "honey still for tea" in this English land, and people to enjoy it, unhurried and unflurried. Mr. Moorhouse has pictured a way of life by suggestion, because his scenes are almost all with few human beings, but he has pictured it sharply and triumphantly, even if tenderly. In this brief essay in film is the essence of "This royal throne of kings, this scepter'd isle, "This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, "This other Eden, demi-paradise; "This fortress built by Nature for herself "Against infection and the hand of war; '"This happy breed of men, this little world; "This precious stone set in the silver sea . . . "This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England." Movie Makers, Dec. 1939, 609, 631-632.

In Old Rothenburg

Date produced: 1959


Esther S. Cooke


"Another documentary - travelogue in Esther Cooke's usual style of presenting in an easy way a phase of an old European town. This time old Rothenburg, with its ancient buildings and customs, and pageants re-enacting the past. In the village square there are interesting colorful patterns danced by the young folks. The narrations fills in interesting historical sketches contributing a great deal to the picture. This might be a citadel taken from the pages of a story book" PSA Journal, Nov. 1959, 47.

In Search of Switzerland

Date produced: 1936


Laurie Day

Stuart Day


"Holiday footage taken by Laurie and Stuart Day during a fortnight’s break in the Swiss Alps prefaced by, and concluding with, scenes involving Laurie and Stuart Day at home in Stoke on Trent" (EAFA Database).

In the Sky Over Miami

Date produced: 1949


George Merz


"George Merz offers a masterful job of photography in his travel film, 'In The Sky Over Miami'." American Cinematographer, May 1952, 224.

In the Valley of the Hudson

Date produced: 1951


Julian Gromer


"Two part edited travelogue taking place in the Hudson Valley area. Part one begins at Coney Island, and then takes viewers through New York City before heading to places such as West Point and Poughkeepsie where cough drops are being made. Part two Includes much footage on Hudson river, the process of manufacturing wallpaper at Imperial Color and a visit to the North Pole theme park." Chicago Film Archives.

Incredible Iceland

Date produced: 1965


Robert Davis


"Achieve new perspectives of Incredible Iceland as you travel with Robert Davis by plane, boat, jeep, and afoot. Exploring the many faces of this enchanting island." Lögberg-Heimskringla, Feb. 16, 1967, 8.


Date produced: 1936


L. L. Hanel

Total Pages: 44