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Date produced: 1962


Ron Bennett


"Garden shots, including time lapse shots of flowers opening, and a 1962 parade in Sidney or Victoria" British Columbia Archives.

These Bloomin’ Plants

Date produced: 1936


Eugene L. Ritzmann


"These Bloomin' Plants, by Eugene L. Ritzmann, has been given Honorable Mention because of the striking technical tour de force which it represents. In it, Mr. Ritzmann has pictured, by means of a camera controlled by a mechanism of his own design and construction, the actual blossoming of some half dozen or more flowers. Through this device of time condensation, buds are seen bursting open before one's eyes, often in cascades of beauty which vividly suggest the magic of colored fireworks against a night sky. The technical management of this difficult and esoteric phase of photography was almost without flaw. In the opinion of the judges, however, Mr. Ritzmann failed to do full justice to his material, both in his editing and in his title treatment." Movie Makers, Dec. 1936, 551.

Total Pages: 2