Una niña y una mujer van en el automóvil. La niña se queda dormida y comienza a soñar con la historia de la lechera.
A girl and a woman ride a car. The girl falls asleep and begins dreaming of a milkmaid story.
"This picture, telling a dramatic story of a mysterious curse hovering over a stretch of lonely beach, was produced in Kodachrome and runs 400 feet." Movie Makers, Dec. 1939, 614.
"The Legend of San San Ku was a practically unanimous choice as winner of the top award with its story of a Japanese legend. If the credits were to be removed from the beginning of this film, it would be hard to believe that it was not made in Japan. It was a very ambitious production for a crew of amateurs to undertake, and they came through with flying colors. Here's 20 minutes of Japan that is delightful to experience" PSA Journal, Oct. 1968, 48.
"Lend Me Your Ear is an almost perfect synthesis of shrewd planning, impeccable camera work, smoothly integrated music and general, overall charm. It is gay, glamorous and in good taste. In it, Erma Niedermeyer has caught the lighthearted spirit of 'teen aged American youth. That she was amply aided by her own attractive son was her further good fortune. As the film opens, the Boy is discovered musing over that classic advertisement which guarantees to teach you piano in ten easy lessons. "You too can be the life of the party!" it clarions. The Boy answers the call, the lessons start arriving and the fun begins. There is the light "running gag" of the harried postman, continually overwhelmed by the Boy's enthusiasm as he delivers each new installment; there is the time the piano refuses to play, clogged up as it is by a basketball in its "innards"; there is the tousle headed imitation of Franz Liszt at the age of fourteen — and more. There is, in climax, the Boy's devastating triumph amid a bevy of admiring beauties, as he becomes in truth "the life of the party." Geared to these sequences — which are presented in swift pace and with unerring command of the camera — is a musical accompaniment as suave as the film itself. A single commercial recording provides a slight and recurring background theme. All the remaining score — from the first hesitant scales to the final rocking rendition of a jazz hit — is in the Boy's own playing, especially recorded by Mrs. Niedermeyer to fit her own picture. It is an ineffable and irresistible combination, this Lend Me Your Ear, warmly deserving of the high honor it has won." Movie Makers, Dec. 1943, 457.
"On use of camera lenses to produce desired photographic effect. Demonstrates functions of different lenses." National Archives.
"Kendall T. Greenwood has told an interesting and uniformly attractive story of one of America's great integrated industries in Let Your Body Breathe. From the original Goodall Company plant in Sanford, Maine, to the elaborate retailing methods of the present day, the film presents a clear cut picture of Palm Beach cloth and its part in the modern pattern of warm weather living. Designed primarily for use within the trade, Let Your Body Breathe shows the retailer all the important points in the manufacture of this fabric, its tailoring by the parent company into suits and sportswear and the continued control over the product, even to such details as proper laundering or cleaning. Mr. Greenwood's camera work is crisp, his editing incisive, while the narrative contributes judiciously to an able industrial record." Movie Makers, Dec. 1941, 568.
"Canada 1960." UCLA Film & Television Archive.
"Film documenting the joy Turner found while restoring his 1917 Henderson motorcycle which he describes in a letter to the original owner, Frank. Film also shows scenes of the Salt Lake Valley and shows Turner riding the bike in a parade." Church History Library.
"Henry E. Hird offers the framework of a timely continuity plan for a scientific record in A Letter. A naturalist father writes a film letter to his sailor son who shares the father's scientific interest in bird and insect life, as well as in floral beauty. We see the father writing and the son reading a letter, the information in which is brought to life in film. Mr. Hird is a very capable observer and movie maker, and the combination of these abilities has enabled him to offer, in this informal style, a wealth of information. Extraordinary sequences of nesting birds are included." Movie Makers, Dec. 1943, 477.
Total Pages: 203