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Growers’ Friends and Foes

Date produced: 1937


Harold Warner


"A story of an orange grower's everyday life, of his unending battle with pests." American Cinematographer, Nov. 1940, 498.

Grunts and Groans: Screen Adaption of the Man on the Flying Trapeze

Date produced: 1933


Herbert Miller


"A humorous film about group exercises and volleyball at the Turnverein gymnasium, Portland, Oregon. Produced by "Miller Picture Corruption Ink" under the auspices of the Amateur Cinema League, probably as a Christmas present for Miller's friends. Appearing: Members of the Portland Turnverein." Oregon Historical Society.

Guarida, La [The Lair]

Date produced:


José Ramón Aguirrezabal

Eloy González Gavilán


Un hombre vaga por las calles de un pueblo buscando tabaco en botes de basura o en el camino. Al entrar a un bar, un hombre nota que está buscando algo, por lo que lanza tabaco al suelo y cuando el primero se agacha a recogerlo, el otro lo tira al suelo mientras todos en el bar se ríen de él. Al regresar al cuarto en el que vive, otro hombre se encuentra ahí descansando. Los hombres tienen una breve conversación sobre cuándo se irá el otro, mientras que este da una excusa y le pide algo de tabaco al primer hombre. El primero se niega y le dice que el tabaco es muy difícil de conseguir, provocando la ira del segundo, quien decide asesinarlo apuñalándolo por la espalda. Después de enterrar su cuerpo, vuelve al cuarto donde se siente culpable y después de llorar por un rato, decide suicidarse.

A man wanders the streets of a town looking for tobacco in trash cans or the road, he enters a bar and a man notices that he is looking for something, he throws some tobacco on the floor and when the first man tries to reach it, he shoves him to the floor while the rest of the men in the bar laugh at him. When he goes back to the room he lives in, there is another man there resting. They have a small conversation about when the man lying down will leave, he gives an excuse and then asks the other for some tobacco. The first man refuses and tells him it is too hard to get, provoking the anger of the second one who then he chooses to kill him by stabbing him in the back. After burying his body he goes back and feels guilty, after crying for some time, he chooses to kill himself.


Date produced: 1948


Oscar H. Horovitz


"For years a master movie maker amid the narrow confines of musical comedy and ice show filming, Oscar H. Horovitz has now turned his camera on the less exact yet more exacting problems of the human record picture. Guatemala gives promise of equal accomplishment in this broader field of filming endeavor. The country is colorful and quixotic, its people both gay and grave. Mr. Horovitz records them with straightforward yet stimulating camera skill. Evocative title wordings, tastefully double exposed on a background of native fabric, enhance the pictorial continuity. Marimba music, much of it recorded in Guatemala, rounds out this pleasing presentation. " Movie Makers, Dec. 1948, 493.

Gudariak [Soldiers]

Date produced: 1978


Miguel Ángel Quintana


Documental sobre la política y ciudadanía euskalduna durante los años 70. El autor hace un recorrido por diferentes acontecimientos inscritos en los procesos de lucha y represión que tuvieron lugar durante el franquismo y primeros años de democracia.

Documentary about the Basque politics and citizens during the 70's. The filmmaker goes through different events inscribed in the struggle processes and the repression that took place during Franco's dictatorship and the first years of democracy.

Guides Meet, The

Date produced: 1932


Edward A. Bollinger


"Film documenting a gathering of guides from all over Canada meeting at [Lake William], N.S. Shown are the many events and competitions in which the guides partake including canoe portage, fly casting, canoe tilting, log burling and canoe racing." Nova Scotia Archives.

Gun Play

Date produced: 1935


Alexander Leitch

Gun, The

Date produced: 1966


Margaret Conneely


"First version of Conneely’s amateur film “The 45,” a mischievous and entertaining film about a woman willing to employ any means to send away the man who comes looking for her husband with a gun"

Güneşe Dönük Kamera [Camera Towards Sun]

Date produced: 1979


Kaya Tanyeri


“1978 yapımı Vedat Türkali’nin senaryosu yazdığı Süreyya Duru’nun yönettiği Güneşli Bataklık filminin kamera arkasında çekilen 1979 yapımı bir belgeseldir. İlk defa 1. Uluslararası İşçİ Filmleri Festivali kapsamında gösterilmiştir. Kaya Tanyeri tarafından festival komitesine verilen 8mm filmler, dijital hale getirilmiş 25 yıl sonra ilk defa gösterilmiştir.” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/gunese-donuk-kamera-1979/ (9 November 2019).

“It is a behind-the-scenes documentary of Güneşli Bataklık (1978) [Sun over the Swamp] whose scenarist is Vedat Türkali and director is Süleyman Duru, made in 1979. For the first time, The 1st International Workers’ Films Festival screened the film. The 8mm film given by Kaya Tanyeri to the festival committee was digitized and screened 25 years after its production first.” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/gunese-donuk-kamera-1979/ (9 November 2019).

Gwendolin Harris and the Girls in the Garden

Date produced: 1920


Thomas William Harris


"Girls playing in the garden and posing for the camera. One young girl plays with a toy steam train as a dog wanders about." (NWFA Online Database)

Total Pages: 203