"This striking example of enthusiastic club production efforts, revolves around four amusing stories which stem from the simple theme of for chairs—each responsible for the contribution of one story and its filming. Because of the outstanding qualities of "Four Chairs", it was awarded a special cup for excellent club production" PSA Journal, Dec. 1955, 35.
"A bridge party invite a mysterious stranger to make up a fourth at their table, only to be unpleasantly surprised by his card tricks. When their fourth player arrives late, the strange interloper disappears, leaving an oddly familiar Joker in his place" National Library of Scotland Moving Image Archive.
"Fowl is Fare is a documentary showing how Long Island ducks are prepared for market. Unusual angles and tight editing keep the film moving" PSA Journal, Aug. 1967, 37.
In the final film completed by pioneer BC filmmaker A.D. "Cowboy" Kean, the Toronto-North York Hunt club is seen on a fox hunt in Ontario's Humber Valley.
"Butterflies are John Larson's subject in this carefully planned and filmed record of the life cycle of the lepidoptera which are the Frail Children of the Sun. We are shown the beauty of the highly colored flower visitors and their varied and geometrically startling decorativeness, in footage of comforable length which fixes our interest on the movie's main topic. This is then elaborated in sequences that are not only excellently recorded in Kodachrome, but that give real information about the brief but eventful existence of the butterfly through its various incarnations. The film ends with more footage of the beauty of the summer and of the butterflies that add to that beauty." Movie Makers, Dec. 1943, 477-478.
"Amateur filmmaker, cinema historian and railway engineer H.A.V. Bulleid creates a cast of curious characters in this comic tale of espionage and intrigue. When 'Frantic' Philip Phoot is charged with delivering a highly important document to a mysterious agent named Farnley, he must negotiate his way past a 'sinister novelist' named Count Miaowt and the 'terminally insane' O. Goshyme Blottough, as well as the "dangerous political maniac' Prince Xwyzedski and his band of cronies. 'Frantic' Philip's secret letter has a cast of bumbling oddballs at each others throats as this tale of intrigue, mystery, foreign spies and banana skins heads for its 'explosive' climax" (EAFA Database).
"A battleground where the North and the South met in the struggle of the Civil War, where each fought for a cause he thought was right, is still a charming town of colonial beginning. There are many important landmarks held for posterity, and the famous river over which George threw the dollar. We visit this great city in the spring, summer, and fall. A refresher for our heritage" PSA Journal, Oct. 1961, 47.
"Sept. 1944 - 489 miles by Bicycle over the Rockies." UCLA Film and Television Archive.
"The first film shot by Laurie and Stuart Day. The film records details of a trip to Germany in 1930 made by Laurie and Stuart Day with Laurie Day’s father, John Wood Jones" (EAFA Database).
Total Pages: 203