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Belleville: A Good Place to Live

Date produced: 1934


Neil Horne


"In 1934, amateur filmmaker Neil P. Horne made a full-length film to capture the spirit of Belleville, New Jersey." movingimagearchivenews.org

Belo Horizonte

Date produced: 1956


Oscar H. Horovitz


"This travelogue of Belo Horizonte in Brazil contrasts modern cities with primitive roads and countrysides. The narration is excellent and the film has a well developed musical score." PSA Journal, Nov. 1956, 45.

Below the Horizon

Date produced: 1935


Edgar E. Pritchard


A film documenting the work of deep-sea fishermen aboard steam trawler "Trier".

Below Zero

Date produced: 1940


Duncan MacD. Little


"Below Zero, as its name implies, was filmed entirely at temperatures which varied between —5° and —32°. The film was made, at Chapeau de Paille, over the Lincoln's Birthday week-end of 1940, and during one of the nights that the producer spent there, the mercury dropped to —42°. Chapeau de Paille is the 'Headquarters Depot' of one of the largest logging-operations in Northern Quebec, in the 'Haute Mauricie'. This short bit, in color, gives some slight idea of another, longer, film (in black and white) entitled, 'Life in the Northern Bush', which follows the activities of the Lumber-jack, through the seasons, from the first cutting in the fall until the next summer, when the logs are delivered at the mills" ("Program Notes," 1940).

Bench, The

Date produced: 1969


Jack W. Taylor


"The Bench is one of those twist-at-the-end films that is so simple it leaves you wondering why you couldn't have put 1 1/2 minutes to such entertaining use. The film by Jack Taylor of Rochester, N.Y. is another one of those "shorties" that puts the audience in a good frame of mind for more serious movie watching" PSA Journal, Nov. 1969, 57.

Beneath Mexican Skies

Date produced: 1950


Ella Paul


"Ella Paul did not try to cover the whole of Mexico, as do so many who visit that fascinating country. In fact she chose to limit her study to one small locale — the town of Patzcuaro and the activities on its lake. This primitive yet industrious community is recorded in pleasing compositions and with sympathetic appreciation of its sunny warmth and charm. The familiar butterfly nets, dugout canoes and the heroic statue of Morelos are all there in Beneath Mexican Skies; but Mrs. Paul's camera gives them a fresh treatment." Movie Makers, Dec. 1950, 466.


Date produced: 1934


Robert S. Way


Date produced: 1936


Berton J. Delmhorst

Bermuda the Land of Sunshine and Flowers

Date produced: 1933


Konstantin Kostich

Bermuda, the Floating Gardens

Date produced: 1935


Konstantin Kostich


"Among the pictures awarded Honorable Mention is Bermuda, the Floating Gardens, a color travelog of that island, another of the competent publicity pictures made by Konstantin T. Kostich. ACL, which make the audience yearn to buy a steamship ticket and set sail. Mr. Kostich has mastered the art of this appeal, and Bermuda, the Floating Gardens is one of the best examples of his genius. Here are shown glimpses of the comfort of the ship, the colorful beauties of the island and some of the recreational facilities that are offered. There is splendid color photography throughout and numerous examples of cinematic decor which enliven the work but which do not detract from the film's primary purpose. Notable are such things as the shadow of the horse and carriage moving along the warm colored stone wall and a cleverly planned composition of a winding road banked with brilliant flowers. It would be dangerous to look at this picture around February." Movie Makers, Dec. 1935, 550-551.

Total Pages: 203