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The World Forgetting

Date produced:


Tommy Walker


This film was produced at some time in the 1950s.

The World is Our Classrom

Date produced: 1965


Helen Webb-Smith

Doris Kerr

Then He Woke Up

Date produced: 1938


J. Francis Brooks


A golfer is knocked out by a golf ball and dreams his friends are ballet dancers as well as other surreal incidents.

There Runs No River

Date produced: 1950


Francis J. Barrett


"There Runs No River: Francis J. Barrett, who entered one of the top prize winning films in our 1950 competition, again displays his fine camera technique in this 8mm black-and-white narrative of contemporary life in drab surroundings. An excellent music and sound recording on tape enhances the presentation of this commendable amateur effort." American Cinematographer, May 1951, 192.

These Bloomin’ Plants

Date produced: 1936


Eugene L. Ritzmann


"These Bloomin' Plants, by Eugene L. Ritzmann, has been given Honorable Mention because of the striking technical tour de force which it represents. In it, Mr. Ritzmann has pictured, by means of a camera controlled by a mechanism of his own design and construction, the actual blossoming of some half dozen or more flowers. Through this device of time condensation, buds are seen bursting open before one's eyes, often in cascades of beauty which vividly suggest the magic of colored fireworks against a night sky. The technical management of this difficult and esoteric phase of photography was almost without flaw. In the opinion of the judges, however, Mr. Ritzmann failed to do full justice to his material, both in his editing and in his title treatment." Movie Makers, Dec. 1936, 551.

Thetford 1

Date produced: 1937


Ben Culey


"Local newsreel on events in Thetford filmed by Ben Culey, showing the Palace Cinema, which he owned and where people came to see his local news films." (EAFA Database)

Thetford Palace Sound News: Armistice Sunday

Date produced: 1937


Ben Culey


"Local sound newsreel, made by Ben Culey, showing Armistice Sunday parade and remembrance ceremonies." (EAFA database)

Thetford Palace Sound News: Lakenheath Floods

Date produced: 1937


Ben Culey


"Local sound newsreel, made by Ben Culey, shows the floods at Lakenheath." (EAFA)

They Stood Alone

Date produced: 1969


William Peterman

Ray Katos

Richard Miklos


They Stood Alone won an Honorable Mention and Special Judges' Award for a Teen-Age Production and for outstanding use of animation. This 16-minute color film of "little green men" and their fight for survival will be a real revelation to those film makers that have tried some clay figure animation. The story is a little loose but an excellent use of angles, lighting and timing more than deserves the award won by Bill Peterman 16, Ray Katos, 16 and Dick Miklos, 18, of Chicago.

They Who Touch

Date produced: 1967


Jerrold A. Peil


"They Who Touch, an award winner in past International Festivals, is an experimental, symbolic film depicting the love play of a young boy and girl. Different people get different interpretations from the hands of the young couple which are featured in this film" PSA Journal, Aug. 1967, 37.

Total Pages: 203