"'Slum Clearance' was in 8mm. It was a record of the tearing down of tenement houses of the old type and showing them replaced with modern apartment buildings. Mighty interesting characters were shown, occupants of the slum tenements, children, etc. A very colorful sequence was built up in the early part of the picture. The latter part of the film is given over to the new homes and to suburban homes where the more fortunate of the slum dwellers moved. A fine document and an interesting picture." American Cinematographer, Feb. 1937, 73.
"Amateur filmmaker, cinema historian and railway engineer H.A.V. Bulleid presents a tale of brotherly rivalry. When Smith Minor - 'so little, he was lost in an Austin Seven' - is bullied by his older brother, Smith Major - 'so tough he slept on tin-tacks' - he is resolved to get revenge, once and for all. Employing the help of a friend and mutual enemy, he hatches a plan of vengeance, plotting to 'heave him over the quarry'. An altercation between two boys is followed by the introduction of Studious Stevens, 'so classical he couldn't fathom science'’ (EAFA Database)" [NOTE – EAFA database suggests this is an incomplete film].
"Where there's smoke there must be fire, but the situation is not as disturbing as it could appear. Rather it is something to be taken lightly. It is about persons smoking. A Long time ago, before the age of tobacco, many things were smoked, but now it is tobacco. We get a glimpse of some of the products smoked, some famous smokers, and some of the reasons why people smoke. But when man reaches the end of his journey, it is certain that the end will find him smoking. The maker of this film received the MPD Humorous Film Award. Perhaps it is not without some point of humor that the sponsor of this award, a cigarette case, does not smoke. This will be included in the Package" PSA Journal, Oct. 1962, 36.
"The film-maker's three children - John, Mary and Anne Arundel, in a story of seaside treasure-hunting, with the familiar plot devices of an old map, inn, sea cave and rising water threatening to cut off escape" (EAFA Database).
"Not content with the typical family holiday bucket and spade film, Herbert Arundel from Longsdon in Staffordshire recorded his three children in a tense drama during a pre-war holiday in Cornwall. Its youthful protagonists and smugglers' treasure plot pre-dates the Famous Five by a good few years and culminates in a splendidly tense finale. Will the Arundel children return from the adventure victorious or will the evil local put a stop to their ways?" (BFI Player)
"The story of the common brown land snail, found in California and other parts of the U.S." Oldfilm.org
"Item is a film of Dr. Willinsky's trip to a snake farm in Miami, Florida. The last few minutes of the film switches to footage of a snake charmer likely taken by Dr. Willinsky in Morocco. Film is in the form of a travelogue with commentary provided by Dr. Willinsky." Ontario Jewish Archives.
"Robert P. Kehoe accepted a strong challenge and secured a fine result in filming Snow on the Mountains. Filming so static a subject as snow forms, iced trees and wind storms on a mountain presents a real task of vitalizing the material. Mr. Kehoe has brought weird and beautiful life to the screen. This film, excellently scored to present the musical message suggested by the snow scenes, builds from the pleasantness of subdued ice and snow forms, through the almost animate figures created by winter on trees and bushes, to a breath taking climax of a snow storm on the mountain. Culminating the beautifully edited and intelligently filmed footage is an inspiring sequence of flaming powdered snow, reflecting the full crimson of the sunset. So remarkable is this action that the impression imparted is almost one of a cascade of liquid fire flowing across the screen. In order to secure many of the scenes, Mr. Kehoe stood so long in the snow that it was necessary actually to lift him into a motor car and to remove the cine equipment from his chilled hands at the end of his task." Movie Makers, Dec. 1944, 494.
"One may assume that Oscar Horovitz is a graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology because of his interest in this film. It is a film which the school or alumni may use effectively in interesting students in M.I.T. It is a panorama of the student's activities from his entrance to graduation. It commences with an introduction of the school and carries through the class rooms, study halls, social halls, athletics, religious atmosphere, and the memorable day of graduation. To some, this would be a difficult subject to deal with but Oscar has produced a picture which sustains interest throughout" PSA Journal, Nov. 1957, 53.
Total Pages: 203