"Film is about sheep dog trials featuring sheep, dogs and people watching" Archives of Ontario.
"O.L. Tapp has coupled opportunity and imagination in putting motion pictures to the recording "Shifting Whispering Sands." Finding the right kind of material to photograph must have entailed a great deal of planning and searching. Every scene is a work of art. As one watches the scenes unfold to the music and song he feels compelled to sit in contemplation of the lonesomeness of the great desert." PSA Journal, Nov. 1957, 33.
"An eclipse of the moon – and a little animated love story." Oldfilm.org
"A time lapse study of the total lunar eclipse; July 5, 1982." UCLA Film & Television Archive.
"Shows Don and Phyllis Munday family travelling from Vancouver to Prince Rupert on the S.S. 'Cardena', including a long stop at Bella Coola, and climb up Mount Saugstad" British Columbia Archives.
"A two minute black and white cartoon built around the animated spelling of short words which are quickly converted into the subject of the spelling. There is an effective sound impulse with the rapidly changing characters. Stewart Wynn-Jones has done a short bit of clever cine-cartooning" PSA Journal, Nov. 1957, 33.
"Film is a documentary on how to perform certain special effects in motion picture film. Film shows Toronto Movie Club members creating a double exposure, a humorous illusion, animation; shooting with a mirror and reversing motion" Archives of Ontario.
"From the era of jazz to the big swing bands, show business has meant life and music. The voices of Sophie Tucker, Al Jolson and Bing Crosby bring nostalgic memories as they sing those grand old songs. Clever, pantomime, night scenes of New York, familiar faces, along with the arrangements of Benny Goodman, Glen Miller and others, make the audience chuckle as they tap their toes and swing their shoulders, being caught up in the rhythm and excitement of "Show Biz" PSA Journal, Oct. 1963, 42.
"In a few short minutes Edward M. Crane has presented a cycle of life through the close-up of hands. Boy meets girl, repeated visits, flowers, embrace, ring, wedding, honeymoon, bills, a fast trip to the hospital, and then a little hand. It is short, smooth, and it tells the story" PSA Journal, Nov. 1958, 46.
"Shrines of India is by the master film maker, Oscar Horovitz, FPSA, FACL, who has proven year after year that travel films can win awards in competition. This 14-minute trip to India is enlightening as well as entertaining. It's a trip worth taking through the viewfinder of Oscar's camera" PSA Journal, Nov. 1969, 56.
"A mechanical toy from 1880 walks through a landscape created by Michael Morris" Karl Spreitz and Collaborators Archival Film Collection.
Total Pages: 203