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Rope Trick, The

Date produced: 1938


S Jepson


"A record of the Indian rope trick, with magician, attendant and boy who apparently climbs the straightened rope and disappears. The boy is restored and tribute exacted from the crowd." (EAFA Database)

Rose and The Weed, The

Date produced: 1960


Stuart Dabbs


"The rose, a young girl, so proper, and so elegant in her royal dress, jewelry and jeweled crown. The weed, also a lovely girl, simply dressed and scorned by the rose. By scissors the rose is cut and its petals picked away to the delight of the weed, but then a gloved hand pulls the weed and leaves it to die in the sun. Can it be that some do not like weeds?" PSA Journal, Nov. 1960, 42.

Rose Parade

Date produced: 1951


Stanley Midgley


Film record of the 1951 and 1952 Rose Parades.

Rostherne June 1930 The Garden

Date produced: 1930


Eunice Alliott

Eustace Alliott


A short film showing Eunice and Eustace enjoying their garden with their dogs.

Rothenburg Town Hall

Date produced: 1939


Eustace Alliott


"Close study of the Town Hall Clock in Rothenburg and the activities of people at a fountain" (EAFA Database).

Rotten Borough, The

Date produced: 1931


Henry Bulleid


"Amateur filmmaker, cinema historian and railway engineer H.A.V. Bulleid mixes slapstick and romance in this portrait of the extra-curricular life of a Cambridge student. When our intrepid undergraduate first arrives in Cambridge, he forgets the name of his college and loses his ticket, leaving him struggling to reach his lodgings. After a dream-filled night spent sleeping on the streets, he arrives at a lodging where everything costs that little bit extra. Rarely in college, he spends his days stealing bicycles and chasing women until he finds one he wishes to marry. With the courtship in full swing, her father says they can only marry if the undergraduate earns £20 in a single day; an ultimatum with inflammatory consequences" (EAFA Database).

Rótula, La [The ball joint]

Date produced:


Eloy González Gavilán


En Noche Buena, un hombre lleva su automóvil a un mecánico para que sea arreglando mientras el camina por una ciudad. Mientras el mecánico trabaja en el vehículo, recibe una llamada telefónica que lo distrae, y después da el coche al hombre, diciéndole que está arreglado. Mientras el hombre está ya en el camino, el mecánico recuerda haberse distraído y no haber apretado los tornillos de la rótula del automóvil, lo cual pone en peligro la vida del conductor. El mecánico intenta contactarlo desesperadamente a través de la policía de caminos mientras imagina que si muere, él será considerado culpable. El conductor eventualmente pierde el control del vehículo y queda varado en un camino solitario, desde donde contacta al mecánico quien agradece a Dios que nada terrible haya pasado. El filme termina con imágenes de luces navideñas en la ciudad y un letrero que muestra la rótula.

On Christmas Eve, a man takes his car to a mechanic to get it fixed while he walks around a city. When the mechanic is fixing the car, he gets distracted by a phone call, then he gives the car to the man and tells him it is fixed. While the man is already on the road, the mechanic remembers getting distracted and not tightening the screws of the car's ball joint, which endangers the passenger's life, so he tries to contact him desperately through the road police and imagining him claiming that his death was his fault. Eventually the man loses control of his car and gets stranded in a lonely road, he contacts the mechanic who thanks God that nothing terrible happened. The film ends with images of Christmas lights in the city and a sign showing the ball joint.

Roundabout to Maybee

Date produced: 1970


Charles E. Phillips


"Film is mostly animated featuring toy cars and trucks on paper roads with paper trees. The highlights of the film are a roundabout, which is a type of circular intersection and signs which have more than one meaning. The film also includes a human man and woman who seem to be driving one of the cars" Archives of Ontario.

Rowdy Clam Bake

Date produced: 1945


Wilbur W. Krimpen


"Wilbur W. Krimpen's Rowdy Clam Bake is a sure source of delight for all lovers of food, drink or shuffleboard. It is a charmingly informal treatment of a clam bake through the successive stages of food preparation, cocktail time, shuffleboard (to whet appetites) and, ultimately, food consumption. In addition to its entertainment value, Rowdy Clam Bake rates high for its informative aspect, as it provides a step by step study of what constitutes a successful clam bake. The ingredients involved will not be listed here, lest the reader's credulity be strained. However, the film's parting shot, a closeup of an Alka-Seltzer container, is indicative of the epic dimensions of the feast." Movie Makers, Dec. 1948, 491-492.

Rowdy’s Guest

Date produced: 1935


Bion Vogel

Total Pages: 203