"An anti-war preachment, boldly and ably done in allegory with but three characters, and two are only seen briefly" American Cinematographer, May, 1938, 204.
English language translations of the film are The Soldier's Tale or A Soldier's Story.
Fantasía en color / A fantasy of color
"Prime Time is a film that is different because of the way it was put together by Herbert W. Smith of Concord, N.H. That's why it won the MPD Golden Scissors Award for editing. It lasts only three minutes, but it is fast, gets to the point and that's it. Splendid color, beautiful people, handled differently and a few other innovations. It's a war story, a love story, a sad story and a short story" PSA Journal, Nov. 1969, 57.
"One comes from a screening of Primitive Patzcuaro, by Ralph E. Gray, with an overwhelming impression of pure beauty. Here, in compositions which often echo the Old Masters in their warmth of color and satisfying balance, an amateur movie maker has turned his camera on the simple life about him and found it pleasing. One after another, the magnificent scenes and sequences bring from the spectator that involuntary expression of deep pleasure which is ambrosia even to the great of amateur movies. In Primitive Patzcuaro, Mr. Gray has portrayed, with leisure, the life of the Tarascan Indians, remote from civilization in a rarely visited section of Mexico. Although magnificent in its color studies, the film is abundant in human interest as well; in portions devoted to the bright native dances and religious ceremonies, it presents a series of tableaux that are breath taking in their effectiveness." Movie Makers, Dec. 1937, 626-627.
"Cheering crowds greet the Prince of Wales - later to be the uncrowned Edward VIII - as his car passes by. The crowds also turn out for the third World Scout Jamboree at Arrowe Park on the Wirral. With tens of thousands of scouts attending, the event commemorated the 21st birthday of the Scouting Movement and the publication of 'Scouting for Boys', so it became known as the Coming of Age Jamboree." (BFI Player)
"Shots from an upper story window in Parliament Street of the activity in the street below prior to the arrival of carriages carrying the royal family and bride on their way to Westminster Abbey, during the ceremony and as the carriages return, highlighting in particular the foggy day. Scenes include crowds outside 100 Parliament St; a procession of civilians with flags which marches in the direction of the Cenotaph; the activities of troops prior to the arrival of the royal procession; carriages carrying the royal family and emerge from the fog near the cenotaph, are filmed as they pass by and head towards Westminster Abbey in the fog; activities in the street after the processions have gone; crowds waving at carriages as they return; activities as crowds disperse from in front of the building opposite; film concludes with a procession of civilians with flags which marches from the direction of the Cenotaph" (EAFA Database).
"Young women at Brockton Point, Stanley Park, put on a display of Pro-Rec activities: massed calisthenics, costumed dancing, drill team (brief shots only), more massed calisthenics. The film concludes with a couple of men's tumbling runs." (BC Archives)
One of the regular displays or demonstrations put on in Vancouver by the Provincial Recreation Program ("Pro-Rec"), a community-oriented physical education program administered by the British Columbia Department of Education. Mrs. Hilda Keatley was the Provincial Supervisor for Women. The program operated in many BC cities and towns during the years 1938-1953. (D.J. Duffy)
The filmmaker has not been identified.
"Problems in the Pounding Surf is an animated cartoon of a little dog's antics in the ocean. Entered in a previous film competition, judges in that event stated "A truly fabulous animation film, extremely competent timing and use of line with good overall humor." So our judges were not alone in their praise of this workmanship. What our judges did not know and won't know until they read these words here is that the maker of this film, Dale Ramsey, is only 15 years old" PSA Journal, Aug. 1967, 37-38.
"A humorous experiment in the art of making a lip sync motion picture with magnetic sound. Even short productions can overcome the producer with startling results. Dr. Crane's "Production Able" indicates the first of a series and we are already looking forward to "Production Baker". Many will recall his "Show of Hands" in the 1958 Contest" PSA Journal, Nov. 1959, 47.
"The imaginative experiments with animated clay figures begun last year in No Credit have, in this year's Proem, proved out as a suave and wholly integrated art form. The unique and wholly delightful work of Leonard Tregillus and Ralph Luce, jr., has here come handsomely of age — both technically and creatively. Proem, conceived as a preface to the theme of Carroll's Through the Looking Glass, is of far greater filmic stature than its already rented status permits it to be rated." Movie Makers, Dec. 1949, 470.
Total Pages: 203