"amateur film of the Blue Max Motorcycle Club" centerforhomemovies.org
"Of Kings And Queens: This Kodachrome entry endeavors to explain the game of chess to a little girl watching it being played by her father and a friend. Moving in close to the chess board, the camera shows in detail the various chess men and their relation to the game, as an off-stage voice explains this relationship to the girl. C. Richmond Lawrence employed his Bolex H-16 camera with great skill in photographing this film, and the narration on the sound track is of high calibre." American Cinematographer, May. 1951, 192.
"Black and white film documenting the life experiences of Lorena E. Washburn in Manti, Utah. Film highlights Lorena's years of service to her community, Church, and family." Church History Library.
"An amateur film made by and starring the husband and wife duo, John & Evelyn Kibar. The couple visit an art gallery, where John proclaims he can make art just the same. Title cards with dialogue are dispersed throughout the film." Chicago Film Archives
"Brief shot of the Town Hall clock in Rothenburg" (EAFA Database).
"Tales of doomed and thwarted love are timeless, and this intriguing short film relates a story set in Imperial China. Told to a young couple planning their wedding and marital home, they - and we - learn the tragic tale of Koong-Shee and Chang, her father's servant, as revealed in the traditional pattern on a Willow pattern plate. George Wain, one of the filmmakers, plays the role of the fiancé." (BFI Player)
"Five years before the action of The Old House opens, a young man and his bride of but a year had been involved in a train wreck. The bride, Claire, was killed: but the man — scarred in mind, bruised in body and (he thought) dependent on a walking stick — lived on. He comes now, as the film begins, for one last look at the Old House, "the Old House where I was born and grew up, where Claire and I had been so happy for one short year, with hopes and plans for a future that never came." But, instead of viewing (with self-inflicted sadness) his old homestead, he meets accidentally with a brightfaced boy of five, son of his widowed tenant. How this youngster, this "artless wisdom dressed in blue jeans," frees the man from his stick (a mere surface symbol of his bondage) and from his obsession with the past is the theme of The Old House. But it is fruitless always to attempt a factual outline of any visual study in human relations. And, heartwarmingly, believably and triumphantly, The Old House is simply and exactly that. The producer, Keith Hall, has plotted the course of his tenuous drama with a sure touch and unfailing taste. His scenic progressions are so artful as to seem artless, while his camera work and narrative exposition never fail him in the delicate unfolding of his denouement. Yet it is to the three players of this picture — and to their narrator — that the ultimate tributes must be paid. Young Ross Hall as the Boy, Noela Hall as his widowed Mother, and Mr. Hall himself as the Man are exactly and exquisitely right in their restrained underplaying of three diflicult roles. Reg Cameron, the narrator, speaks lines which are always literate, and often lyric, with warmth and understanding. From its simple opening to its quietly soaring climax, The Old House is a tender and moving triumph." Movie Makers, Dec. 1953, 318-319.
"Silent amateur film shot by John V. Hansen, engineer and member of the Amateur Cinema League, of a performance of Tyrone Guthrie’s Hamlet at Kronberg Castle, Elsinore, Denmark with Laurence Olivier as Hamlet. The first title card states that ‘the oldest metropolitan daily Berlingske Tidende of Copenhagen presents the Old Vic at Kronberg’. The second title states ‘snappy colour-shots from different angles of Scenes from Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’'. Film shows audience, cast getting ready and shots taken throughout the play" The Human Studies Film Archive via the British Universities and Film Council.
"George Merz's cine visit to Europe has captured the old world charm from Holland to Monaco via Belgium, Germany, Bavaria, Austria, Switzerland, an Italy. There is countryside, cities, waterways, architecture, arts, crafts, ruins, and parades reminiscent of the traditions of centuries. A good coverage of so large an area in thirty minutes" PSA Journal, Nov. 1958, 47.
Después de una noche de tragos en un bar, Olga sale con un extraño y lo lleva a su hogar. Mientras tienen relaciones sexuales, ella ve la foto de un niño pequeño en la pared, y recuerda tocar el piano y divertirse con el. Después el filme muestra a Olga en el baño inyectándose drogas para después vagar por las calles bajo la influencia de narcóticos y alimentar a un perro con pan mientras continúa recordando estar con el pequeño niño. Olga regresa al mismo bar acompañada de una mujer y se emborracha; después de salir juntas hacia el hogar de Olga, empiezan a desvestirse y besarse. Olga ve la foto otra vez y empieza a llorar, esta escena es seguida por imágenes de ella recibiendo oxígeno en una ambulancia y después llorando a lado de la otra mujer, mirando la fotografía.
After a night of drinks in a bar, Olga leaves with a stranger and takes him home. While having sex with him, she sees the picture of a little boy on the wall, and remembers playing piano and having fun with him. Afterwards the film shows Olga in the bathroom injecting herself with drugs, wandering the streets while in the influence of the drugs and feeding a dog with bread while she keeps on remembering being with the kid. Olga then goes to the same bar with a woman and gets drunk, they leave together to Olga’s home and while they begin to undress and kiss, she sees the picture again and starts crying, this scene is followed by images of her receiving oxygen in an ambulance, and then crying again next to the other woman, looking at the picture.
Total Pages: 203