A family permits a lone hunter to stay in their cabin for the night. The hunter entertains the children with magic tricks. Later, the hunter's addition to the cabin sparks a debate over who will sleep in the cabin's beds.
"Scenes of a men's single match taking place at the Northern Lawn Tennis Club in Didsbury. A seated crowd watch the game from the side lines. Concludes with a group of 7-8 adults and a young child walking through a garden gate and along a path towards the camera." (NWFA Online Database)
"Northwoods Adventures is a plumply constructed and neatly tied half-hour package of travel through the Adirondack area. Evident in it are the well known technical skills, the smooth sequencing and the attractive titles which mark all the movies of Frank E. Gunnell. But the picture seems a package, nevertheless — and a package for a purpose. One gets the impression that the producer, as he edited, had his eye on the guest-lecturer's clock at a luncheon club meeting — rather than on the crisp continuities of movie making per se." Movie Makers, Dec. 1951, 412.
"Sites around Norway." UC San Diego Library.
"A cruise on the liner 'Atlantis'; from Tilbury to the Norwegian fjords." (EAFA Database)
A film about King George V's Jubilee filmed in Norwich.
‘"The logo for Dufaycolor is at the head of the film. The subject matter was chosen to show off the process of the film stock's built-in colour filters" (EAFA Database).
"An amateur film made by and starring the husband and wife duo, John & Evelyn Kibar. After Mrs. Kibar asks Mr. Kibar to throw away his old collectables, or “junk,” Mr. Kibar begins reflecting on past travels. Only later do we find out this travel sequence is actually just a dream." Chicago Film Archives
Total Pages: 203