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Mendexako I. Kros Lehiaketa [Mendexa Cross Country Contest]

Date produced: 1986


José Luis De la Torre Agirre


Kroseko reportajea.

El filme retrata el deporte cross country.

The film depicts cross country running.

Mendietan [In the mountains]

Date produced: 1965


Jon Mendarte Casares


La vida del Basierretarra / The life of the Basierretarra.


Date produced: 1949


Jose M. Pavon


"Unity of theme is the striking characteristic of Jose M. Pavon's Menemsha — and its Achilles heel as well. The producer, in a series of beautifully composed scenes that seem to ebb and flow with the surging rhythm of the sea, has extracted the essence of a small fishing town on the coast of Martha's Vineyard. For almost its entire length, the film emphasizes the salt and the sea and the strange, lovely things of the ocean littoral with a feeling that Mr. Pavon accents brilliantly in double exposures of the shimmering sea water sweeping over even the deserted wharves. Unfortunately, Menemsha's unity breaks down a little as Mr. Pavon's camera roams too far afield and brings in elements that suggest fresh water and inland life rather than his original theme. A little cutting would tighten up a film that, technically and artistically, is a delicate and creative delight." Movie Makers, Dec. 1949, 454.

Merry Christmas

Date produced: 1955


S. J. Hazard


"An amusing, sophisticated treatment of a family Christmas. As the second film ever made by Mr. Hazard, "Merry Christmas" also won the first award and trophy at the 1955 Louisville international Exhibit of Photography. Excellent editing and directing result in the delightful skit of a tiny tot's premature discovery of Christmas tree and presents while parents are still sound asleep and of the mayhem that follows." PSA Journal, Dec. 1955, 35.

Meshes of the Afternoon

Date produced: 1943


Maya Deren

Alexander Hammid


"Meshes of the Afternoon is experimental in nature and exciting in its cinematic development. In it, the producers — Maya Deren and her husband. Alexander Hamid — have been concerned with the inner experiences of an individual. Although one sees on the screen the familiar backgrounds and impedimenta of physical existence, the events which transpire among them, through a summer's afternoon, portray subjective feeling rather than objective incident. Miss Deren's creative use of her camera to suggest these emotions blazes new and stimulating trails in pure cinematography." Movie Makers, Dec. 1945, 497.

Meshie, The Child of a Chimpanzee

Date produced: 1932


Henry Raven


"This film records, in the informal style of a home movie, some of a young chimpanzee's (Pan troglodytes) activities while raised in the Ravens' home. She plays with a hose, joins in games with the Raven children, manipulates tools, encounters snakes and mice, writes with a pencil, eats with a spoon, rides a tricycle, and feeds a human infant." University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries.

Meteor Movie Magazine

Date produced: 1933


"comprises various events of 1932, including shots of the speedboat, Miss England III on Loch Lomond, and a very complete record of the Ulster T.T Motor Race. The reel has been very much in demand and can be hired by anyone, the charge being 4s. for the night" (HMHT 1933: 335).

Meteor Movie Magazine 2

Date produced:

Meteor Movie Magazine No. 3

Date produced: 1933

Mexican Malarkey

Date produced: 1949


Cal Duncan


"It takes Cal Duncan 1300 feet of 16mm. color film to tell a pair of politely uninterested guests how he caught a sailfish off Acapulco — but the effort, as exemplified in Mexican Malarkey, is decidedly worth it. Mr. Duncan's running gag, climaxed by a truly comic finish right out of the funny papers, is the flashback technique developed to a high and satisfying order. His Mexican footage itself is no less effective. The robust and hearty producer has an artist's eye for fresh viewpoints, a dramatist's instinct for revealing action. His sequence on Mexico's traditional Sunday bullfight, always a difficult assignment, is outstanding. Mexican Malarkey is a refreshing variation on an increasing wellworn theme." Movie Makers, Dec. 1949, 454.

Total Pages: 203