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nuevo médico, El [The New Doctor]

Date produced: 1952


David Grajeda


The film chronicles the struggles of young medical interns who had to perform compulsory rural service as part of their medical training.

Operation on the Brain

Date produced: 1930


Ernest Page

William Palmer


"Operation On The Brain, 300 ft., 16mm., made by Ernest Page and William Palmer, is a splendid record of a surgical operation. The film's most prominent quality is its fine definition. Correct exposure and careful lighting produced a clean cut and understandable scientific record. Closeups, made with a telephoto lens, were correctly interspersed with the longer shots to emphasize the important details. Variation in camera position is as important in films of operations as in other types of subject matter. Continuous closeups, often used in films of this nature, may be as unsatisfactory as would be continuous medium shots. Although not planned from the viewpoint of instruction, this picture is probably as satisfactory a surgical record as is possible to make under amateur conditions." Movie Makers, Dec. 1930, 759.

Operazione alla milza [Spleen Operation]

Date produced: 1937


"doc. scientifico"/scientific documentary

Operazione chirurgica [Surgical Operation]

Date produced: 1934


Franco Mortara


"doc. scientifico"/scientific documentary

Operazioni chirurgiche [Surgical Operations]

Date produced: 1942

Operazioni, III [Operations III]

Date produced:


Gian Luigi Dorigo


"doc. scientifico"/scientific documentary

"Operazioni, III, realizzato da Gian Luigi Do­rigo, nella Sala Operatoria della Divisione Chirurgica Ortopedica del prof. Francesco Delitala, Ospedale Civile di Venezia. Il film fa parte della Serie delle Operazioni che Gian Luigi Dorigo sta realizzando con l'intento di interpretare gli in­terventi chirurgici in forma non inespressiva, come fino ad oggi i documentarii scientifici, ma valendosi dei mezzi precipi del cinematografo, e in una parola, del montaggio, per la più chiara ed evidente dimostrazione dell'assunto. La pelli­cola col titolo Una Mattina di Operazione ha par­tecipato ai Littoriali riscuotendo vivo interessamento. Gian Luigi Dorigo descrive in un articolo su questo numero le sue opinioni nei riguardi del film scientifico."

"Operations, III, made by Gian Luigi Dorigo, in the Operating Room of the Orthopedic Surgery Division of Prof. Francesco Delitala, Civil Hospital of Venice. The film is part of the Series of Operations that Gian Luigi Dorigo is making with the intent to represent the surgical interventions in an expressive way, as up to now the scientific documentaries, but availing himself of the specific means of cinema, and in a word, the montage, for the clearest and most obvious demonstration of the thesis. The film with the title Una Mattina di Operazione (A Morning of Operation) participated in the Littoriali, attracting great interest. Gian Luigi Dorigo describes his opinions on scientific films in an article in this issue."
—Il ventuno 28 (Review of the G.U.F. of Venice), May 1935, p. 16"

Partial Denture

Date produced: 1932


S. H. McAfee


"Dr. McAfee presented technical subject in a manner that was interesting to the layman as well as the dentist. His photography was consistent and his continuity thorough." American Cinematographer, Dec. 1933, 342.

Preparation for Maxillary Denture

Date produced: 1932


S. H. McAfee


"Surgical Preparation for Maxillary Denture is particularly detailed. Beginning with a study of the models, including some animation, it then shows the administration of the anesthetic to the patient, the extraction of the teeth, the preparation of the denture and the final discharge of the patient." Movie Makers, Sept. 1933, 337.

Reconstruction of Nose

Date produced: 1933


Abraham Schur


"This picture was made with indoor lighting and showed a very consistent photography." American Cinematographer, Dec. 1934, 377.

Repair of an Indirect Inguinal Hernia

Date produced: 1946


Vincent Vermooten


"Extreme clarity and freedom from the shadows frequently encountered in medical films mark the technical details of the surgery shown in Dr. Vincent Vermooten's Repair of an Indirect Inguinal Hernia. Dr. Vermooten was, from the beginning, acutely conscious of the problems involved in bringing the proper light sources to bear upon a complex operation in which every bit of motion possesses great significance. To make certain of a steady and complete lighting scheme, he constructed a special platform above the operating table. Floodlights, closely bunched about the platform, left no possibility of inadequately lighted areas. The result is a record of an operation, masterfully pointed up by lighting, which should prove invaluable for instructional purposes." Movie Makers, Dec. 1946, 488.

Total Pages: 3