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‘Close’ Friends

Still from Close Friends

Date produced: 1965


Philippa Miller


'Silent film shot by Miss Philippa Miller recording scenes of people and activities around the 1930s-style bay-fronted terraced houses and gardens in a small residential close at different seasons of the year. Miss Miller lived in Norwich so the film has provisionally been linked to Norwich, but identification of the location would be welcome. The film captures the relaxed and friendly relationship between the women, men and children filmed and Miss Miller behind the camera. From the film stock marks it appears that the film was shot between 1965 and 1967.

All but two of the scenes are filmed outdoors. Indoors we see four women sitting together looking at two boxed costume dolls and stroking a black poodle, and a brief scene of an elderly lady. The exterior scenes were filmed during winter, spring and summer and capture people's activities and domestic chores around their homes and gardens, their comings and goings, and various pet dogs. Scenes include: women clearing a path through snow; a row of ten sparrows on a ledge above a snowy roof; a man washing a car with cloth and bucket of water as laundry billows on a washing line; a woman dressed to go out in hat and coat carrying bags; children playing with a dog, a football, a toy pram and a toy tractor; a bride in white outfit with bouquet standing with a man, perhaps her father, and a woman chauffeur in peaked cap helping people into a car as they leave for a wedding; crocuses; another man washing a car; a boy on a tricycle; a knife grinder at work, operating his machine by treadle within a handcart with large wheels; a man mowing the lawn a man painting the front gate of a spring garden; a young man and woman; a man up a ladder cleaning windows; women with two children in matching coats; a house under construction with the timber frame of the upper storey and roof open; a woman hanging out sheets on a washing line; a woman shaded beneath a floral parasol standing in front of flowering rose bushes; a woman setting off on a bicycle; a woman holding a baby; children sitting on a lawn and playing with modelling clay; a young man; a woman at a window; a chaffinch; rose bushes; another lady dressed in hat and coat with bag going out; a woman playing ball with the black poodle; a man using an axe to chop at the roots in a hole around a tree stump' (EAFA).

1 Mayıs 1977 [1 May 1977]

Date produced: 1977


Kaya Tanyeri


“Kaya Tanyeri 1 Mayıs 1977 mitingine elinde 8 mm kamerası ile katıldı. Kızı Çağla Tanyeri de ses kayıtlarını alıyor ve babasına yardım ediyordu. Kaya Tanyeri miting öncesi Beşiktaş’taki coşkuyu ve Taksim’e yürüyüşü kaydetti. Taksim meydanına geldiğinde ve “malum” katliam başladığında ne yazık ki çekimi yapamadı. Öncesinde çektikleri ile sonradan yaşanan katliamın fotoğraflarını kullanarak ve “Görevimiz Tehlike” filmine gönderme yaparak kurguladı. Hiç gösterimi yapılmadı. Bu film yıllarca Kaya Tanyeri’nin kişisel arşivinde kaldı. Ta ki bize erişinceye kadar. Biz bu filmi ve Güneşli Bataklık filminin kamera arkası belgeseli olan ‘Güneşe Dönük Kamera’ isimli 8mm filmlerini dijitalleştirdik. ve işte sizlerle paylaşıyoruz.” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/1-mayis-77-1977/ (1 November 2019).

“Kaya Tanyeri attended the meeting, 1 May 1977, with an 8mm camera in his hands. Her daughter, Çağla Tanyeri, was assisting the recording as well. Before the meeting, Kaya Tanyeri made a record of the "enthusiasm" in Beşiktaş and the march on Taksim. When they came to Taksim, the infamous massacre was just starting and he could not continue to record everything. Using the former shootings and the photographs of the massacre, he edited the multiple audiovisual resources in reference to the Mission: Impossible. The film has never been screened before and it was stored in Kaya Tanyeri’s archive until Çağla Tanyeri found the original material. The original 8 mm film was digitized to share with a larger audience by Sinematek.” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/1-mayis-77-1977/ (1 November 2019).

2 Eylül Direnişi [Resistance of September 2]

Date produced: 1978


İshak Işıtan


“Bu filmi ile Ümraniye 1 Mayıs mahallesindeki yoksul halkın barınma hakkı mücadelesi 1970’li yılların 2. yarısının atmosferinde veren bir film yapmış […]. 1977 senesinin 2 eylül günü 1 Mayıs Mahallesi’ne gecekondu yıkımı için gelen polisler ile mahalle halkı arasında çıkan ve 12 mahallelinin ölüp onlarcasının yaralandığı çatışmalar sırasında çeşitli sosyalist yapılar etrafında örgütlenmiş mahalle sakinlerinin gösterdiği direniş Türkiye’deki sosyalist mücadele tarihi içerisinde çok önemli bir yere sahiptir [...].” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/2-gun-2-eylul-direnisi-1978/ (13 November 2019).

“The conflict between the District May 1 organized in various socialist collectives and the police that came to the district to demolish the shantytown, which resulted in 12 people living in the district killed on 2 September 1977 has an important place in the history of the socialist movement in Turkey [...]. [İshak Işıtan’s] film is about the poor people of Ürmaniye/District May 1’s a struggle for the housing right reflecting the atmosphere of the second half of the 1970s [...]. Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/2-gun-2-eylul-direnisi-1978/ (13 November 2019).

America’s Disinherited

Date produced: 1937


Alan S. Hacker


"The present fate and possible future of the southern share-cropping farmer have been pictured in dramatic and authentic detail by Alan S. Hacker, ACL, in a five reel, 16mm. film recently completed under the sponsorship of the Sharecropper Film Committee, New York City. Made to aid the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union, the production illustrates the agricultural despotism and destitution which have resulted in the formation of that group bargaining organization. Farms and families of Arkansas, Tennessee and Mississippi appear in this documentary record, which kept Mr. Hacker three months in the field. Lee R. Hays. an Arkansan, served him as liaison officer with the union and its supporters, while Gardner Jackson, of the film committee, contributed to the production's planning. Narrative comment and a musical background are scheduled additions to the pictured story, in preparation for screenings before school and civic groups interested in the success of the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union." - "Practical Films," Movie Makers, March 1937, 128.

Asayiş Berkemal [All Quiet]

Date produced: 1967


Ahmet Soner


“Samim Kocagöz’ün “Teneke” adlı eserinden uyarlanmıştır. İşgüzar bir bekçinin uzun ve yorucu bir kovalamacanın ardından, yoksulluğunun gerçek yüzüyle karşılaşmasının öyküsüdür.” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/asayis-berkemal-1967-2/ (15 Oct 2019).

“Adapted from Samim Kocagöz’s short story, “Teneke.” It tells the story of a meddlesome watchman/night guard, who faces the reality of poverty after a long and tiring chase.” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/asayis-berkemal-1967-2/ (15 Oct 2019).

Barış Kavgası [Fight For Peace]

Date produced: 1973


Muammer Özer


“‘Ben Milyonlarca emekçiden birisiyim barışçıyım ve devrimciyim’ diye başlıyor 12 dakikalık film. Mehmet Özgentürk seslendirmiş. Finlandiyadaki iç savaş ve devrimciler hakkında bilmediğiniz birçok şeyi içinde Enternasyonalin de olduğu Fince marşlar eşliğinde anlatıyor. 1956 yılında gerçekleştirilen 3 hafta süren büyük grevden başlayarak Finlandiya’daki mücadeleyi Nazım şiiri eşliğinde izleyeceksiniz.” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/baris-kavgasi/ (30 October 2019).

“The film begins with the sentence, ‘I am one of the millions of workers; I am a pacifist and revolutionist.’ It was narrated by Mehmet Özgentürk. It tells the unknown story of Civil War in Finland and that of Finn revolutionists, synchronized with the local marches. You will watch the Finn revolutionary struggle—since the Great Strike of 1956, lasted 3 weeks—which is accompanied by a Nazım [Hikmet] poem.” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/baris-kavgasi/ (30 October 2019).

Çatalağzı Kuyusu

Date produced: 1975


Behlül Dal


“Zonguldak Çatalağzı isimli kömür çıkarma kuyusunu 26 eylül 1969 yılında su basmış. Bu kuyu o dönem en fazla kömür üretimi gerçekleştirilen kuyu imiş. TKİ bir proje kapsamında suyu boşaltmış [...].” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/catalagzi-kuyusu-1975/ (20 November 2019).

“The coal mine in Zonguldak, named Çatalağzı, was overflowed on September 26, 1969. The coal mine was the most productive one in the country at the time. Turkey's Directorate General of Coal Enterprises (the abbreviation “TKİ” stands for the Directorate) designed a project to put the water out [...].” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/catalagzi-kuyusu-1975/ (20 November 2019).

Çıraklar [Apprentices]

Date produced: 1980


Muammer Özer

Oğuz Makal


“O günlerde tam bir kültürel çöl olan İzmir’de sinema ile ilgili birşeyler yapabilmek (etkinlik, fim, yayın) çabası içindeyken, İstanbul öncesi kurucular arasında bulunduğum ve sinematek bölümünü yönettiğim İzmir Sinema ve Kültür Derneği’nin düzenlediği “Bağımsız Filmler’ temalı festivale filmleriyle davet ettiğim, tanıştığım Muammer Özer’le dostluğum ilerledi… Yıllar sonra İzmir’i ziyaret ettiği bir günde öğrencilerimden İbrahim Öğretmen ile (daha sonra Paris’e yerleşti, Gökşin Sipahioğlu ile uzun süre çalıştı) fotoğraf çalışmaları sırasında gözlediğim bir kenar semtteki artık camları değerlendiren işliklerden-işçilerden söz ettim. O günlerde Refik Durbaş’ın şiirinden, Livaneli’nin bir şarkısı da kulaklarımızdaydı.” Oğuz Makal, sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/ciraklar-1980-2/ (9 November 2019).

“When I was trying to make something (a film, a publication, an event)—Izmir was like a ‘cultural desert,’ I started getting off with Muammer Özer whom I invited to the “Independent Film Festival” that İzmir Sinema ve Kültür Derneği [Izmir Cinema and Cultural Association which I established in Istanbul organized... After years, when one of my students—İbrahim Özen who moved to Paris and worked with Gökhan Sipahioğlu—came to Izmir, I talked to him about child workers trying to pick up waste glass in trash. During the course of these days, Refik Durbaş’s poem [Çırak Aranıyor/An Apprentice Wanted] and one song of Liveneli were ringing in our ears.” Oğuz Makal, sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/ciraklar-1980-2/ (9 November 2019).

Forgotten Frontier, The

Date produced: 1930


Marvin Breckinridge


"The Forgotten Frontier, filmed by Miss Marvin Breckinridge, is the most ambitious amateur made welfare film yet recorded. To show the operation of the Kentucky Nursing Service, Miss Breckinridge spent several months filming in the mountain districts reached by that organization. With the cooperation of the mountain folk, she staged several short dramas, each demonstrating the usefulness of one of the centers or some phase of their work. The completed picture runs 6000 ft., 35mm., and, in spite of the numerous technical difficulties, it is excellently photographed." Movie Makers, Dec. 1930, 788.

Gioventù al lavoro [Youth at Work]

Date produced: 1941



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