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Abelles = [Bees]

Date produced: 1933


Joan Prats Vidal


Documentary about bees, with impressive and detailed images. One of the best examples of the educational documentaries of the movement, which caught the attention of the Catalan Cinema Committee.

Battle of the Bulge

Date produced: 1960


John R. Kibar

Evelyn Kibar


"An amateur film made by and starring the husband and wife duo, John & Evelyn Kibar. Title cards with dialogue are dispersed throughout the film." Chicago Film Archives

Blossom Forth the Fruit

Date produced: 1941


William R. Hutchinson


"Blossom Forth the Fruit is a straightforward, well made, carefully planned and well exposed instructional film, which tells how to care for apple trees and their fruit in all stages of growth. Its maker, William R. Hutchinson, has a thorough knowledge of apple growing, and he also had the collaboration of specialists from Cornell University and the Farm Bureau. The clear presentation of all the phases of treatment that are necessary to insure the growth of fine fruit is noteworthy. From the technical point of view, microscopic color studies of insects, parasites and blights furnish excellent examples of ultra closeup technique. Methods of spraying and other protective treatment of the fruit are shown in clearly presented detail. Because of its clear presentation and uniformly high technical quality, this film is worthy of the highest commendation." Movie Makers, Dec. 1941, 564-565.

Day In an African Village, A

Date produced: 1939


Ray L. Garner

Virginia Garner


"Dramatized documentary: Depicts life in the Belgian Congo and French Cameroons." National Archives.

Fowl is Fare

Date produced: 1967


Peter Weiner


"Fowl is Fare is a documentary showing how Long Island ducks are prepared for market. Unusual angles and tight editing keep the film moving" PSA Journal, Aug. 1967, 37.

Freedom of Choice

Date produced: 1964


John W. Ruddell


"Freedom of Choice features Jack Ruddell's flawless camera work and concerns the problem of the meat packer in determining why a housewife will select one package of meat over another. A well planned production" PSA Journal, Sept. 1964, 51.

Growers’ Friends and Foes

Date produced: 1937


Harold Warner


"A story of an orange grower's everyday life, of his unending battle with pests." American Cinematographer, Nov. 1940, 498.

Hawaiian Paradise [1941]

Date produced: 1941


Julian Gromer


"2 part travelogue film of Hawaii capturing the scenery, resources and people of the islands. Part 1 visits to a lava flow and other natural wonders such as Haleakala Creater and a black sand beach as well as numerous shores and valleys along the way. Stop motion animation of a toy car or ship tracks a change in location. Part 2 features footage of tropical flowers, picking coconuts, family picnic, farming and factory processing pineapple, Hula dance performances, surfing and canoeing competitions, and sunsets."

Honey Harvest

Date produced: 1944


William W. Vincent


"If you have never thought much about the communal effort that produces your breakfast honey, you will find a whole new world of careful organization set forth in William W. Vincent, jr.'s movie. If you have read about this world, you will realize the very great accomplishment of the filmer of Honey Harvest, as you see his picturization of the regimented and incredibly organized bee communities. By means of amazing closeups, Mr. Vincent identifies the various workers, shows them at their hard tasks and lets us see the queen bee, the drones, the nectar scouts, the farmers, the nurses and all the complex bee classes. Nectar is sipped and collected; it is used or stored until, finally, man takes the residual product for his own use. A breakfast sequence of great compositional charm begins and ends this highly unusual record." Movie Makers, Dec. 1945, 494.

Lady on June Street

Date produced: 1939


Leo Caloia


"Within the brief confines of Lady on June Street, Leo Caloia presents a satisfying example of the personality film worked out in story form. Faced with the common problem of family filming, he has resolved the riddle with imagination, humor and marked cinematic ability. The "lady" in question is pictured as a lazy, luxury loving wife, spiritually eager to be the best of helpmates, but physically enslaved to satins and sweetmeats. Dozing, as she regards with languorous ambition an advertisement for homemade shortcake, she dreams vividly of a sweet but unaccustomed success with pot and pan. Crash! In her dream, the lady slips, and her magnificent shortcake slithers across the kitchen linoleum. Bump! In reality, she has rolled sleepily from her couch, to awake with a thud on the living room floor. The film fades swiftly as she hurries the tops off canned beans and sauerkraut." Movie Makers, Dec. 1939, 632.

Total Pages: 3