"This film will be unique as it will be the first British film made by amateurs where one actor takes a double part and both characters appear on the screen together" (HMHT 1933: 113).
"During five summers from 1957 to 1961, the five-member Barstow family of Wethersfield, Connecticut, set out to visit all 48 of the then United States of America on a series of month-long camping trips. Part I includes seeing famous sites from "America's History" in 24 Eastern, Northern, and Southern states." Archive.org
"During five summers from 1957 to 1961, the five-member Barstow family of Wethersfield, Connecticut, set out to visit all 48 of the then United States of America on a series of month-long camping trips. Part II showcases "America's Wonderlands" with 18 National Parks and other exciting attractions in the great Northwest and Southwest." Archive.org
"Mystery romance in which the police chief's daughter is courted by a crook." Library and Archives Canada.
"avant-garde documentary"
"Fiera di tipi, realizzata da Leone Viola con la collaborazione tecnica di Fernando de Marzi, si svolge tutta sullo sfondo della Fiera di Padova ed ha una trama impostata su ben sette personaggi di primo piano. Ma i realizzatori hanno saputo imprimere a ciascuno di essi una fisonomia inconfondibile creando anche due gustose macchiette: ma i caratteri non sono caricati: la vicenda scorre dall'uno all'altro dei personaggi, si imbroglia, si ricompone: la Fiera di Padova è di sfondo all-azione che senza fiera non esisterebbe; tanto tutti gli episodi sono strettamente connessi a quella manifestazione. La fotografia, dovuta a Dodi Calcagno, è in qualche punto un po' oscura, altrove assume un brillante risalto. Le doti narrative dei realizzatori si manifestano in questo film della durata di un'ora, ed è intanto — a parte gli altri pregi del film—non poco. Qualche lieve ritocco al montaggio si renderebbe necessario, allo scopo di raggiungere una completa omogeneità narrrativa. Noi parlando nel nostro passato numero prevedevamo il successo che questo film ha ottenuto, che sarà di incoraggiamento ai giovani volenterosi."
"Fiera di tipi, directed by Leone Viola with the technical collaboration of Fernando de Marzi, takes place against the backdrop of the Padua Fair and has a plot based on seven leading characters. But the creators were able to give each of them an unmistakable physiognomy, also creating two tasty little characters: but the characters are not privileged: the story flows from one character to the other, is cheated, is recomposed: the Fair of Padova is the background to the action that would not exist without the fair; all the episodes are closely related to that event. The photography, by Dodi Calcagno, is at some points a little obscure, elsewhere it takes on a brilliant prominence. The narrative talents of the filmmakers are manifested in this one-hour film, and is meanwhile - apart from the other merits of the film - not insignificant. A few slight adjustments to the editing would be necessary in order to achieve complete narrative homogeneity. We, speaking of it in our past issue, predicted the success this film has achieved, which will be an encouragement to willing young people."
From "Gazzetta di Venezia" republished in "Cine-club Padova," Eco del cinema, n. 130, 1934
"Boy meets girl and color meets a cine club in Footloose, the latest production of the Rockville Cinema Club; the result is an able and entertaining farce comedy. In moving from black and white to Kodachrome, the members of this veteran group have taken the hurdle in their stride. If anything, the chromatic medium may be said to have added sparkle and brilliance to their plot complications and to the angles, editing and cutting with which they interpret them. Definitely keyed to the Hollywood '"screwball" school of roughhouse comedy, Footloose opens with a dynamic and delightful introduction of the players and carries on to involve a boy and a girl, an artist, his model and assorted comedy and character actors, in random but romantic complications. The pace is fast, the color pleasing and the cutting crisp and well integrated with the action." Movie Makers, Dec. 1940, 602.
"Edited film with intertitles documents the round the world cruise of the Fleischmann family and friends on board the yacht "Camargo," Human Studies Film Archive, Smithsonian Museum.
"The Forgotten Frontier, filmed by Miss Marvin Breckinridge, is the most ambitious amateur made welfare film yet recorded. To show the operation of the Kentucky Nursing Service, Miss Breckinridge spent several months filming in the mountain districts reached by that organization. With the cooperation of the mountain folk, she staged several short dramas, each demonstrating the usefulness of one of the centers or some phase of their work. The completed picture runs 6000 ft., 35mm., and, in spite of the numerous technical difficulties, it is excellently photographed." Movie Makers, Dec. 1930, 788.
"Item is a film of a trip to Spain taken by Dr. Willinsky, his wife, Sadie, and some of their friends. Despite its title, the film does not contain footage of France. In the form of a travelogue, footage of landmarks, the local population, and the Willinsky's activities are accompanied by music and Dr. Willinsky's commentary. Footage includes shots of the Square of Spain, Sadie walking along the streets of a shopping district, churches and monasteries, a boat cruise from Palma to Figuera, a spring festival procession and dancing in Majorca. Most of the scenes were taken in Palma and Majorca." Ontario Jewish Archives.
"Mr. Midgley's production is a gay and picaresque saga of a 350 mile jaunt by bicycle along the highways of Bryce and Zion National Parks and Cedar Breaks National Monument. Distinguished camera work, pleasing compositions and imaginative treatment contribute to the film's success. Outstanding in the picture, however, are its crisp pace and lighthearted laughter at the cyclist's own wry adventures. Brightly executed titles and a restrained use of a fine "running gag" round out this altogether engaging travel study." Movie Makers, Jan. 1947, 49.
Total Pages: 15