"Film is a mostly animated cartoon featuring an animated woman and men. The film backdrop often features life images of an old house in winter. The film begins by showing a few pages from the Dec. 7, 1867 'The Milkspur Beacon' newspaper. The woman is in the middle of getting married when she decides to run away. After going back and forth between at least two men, she gets married again" Archives of Ontario.
"With Stronger Reason is a photoplay about an artist who is disgusted with his efforts–disgusted, in fact, with life in general–at least what life has been to him. Flashbacks at the beginning work to the film's favor, and excellent black-and-white photography plus some of the best camera work in this contest in recent years are features of this outstanding story film. It also received the MPD Scenario Award and the MPD Sound Award" PSA Journal, Sept. 1964, 50.
"Yea, Verily touches on the experimental and runs the range of film tempo. If you sin you can be forgiven, providing you can find someone who will forgive you. Perhaps forgiveness is subjective after all, for does anyone else really care about your transgressions?" PSA Journal, Aug. 1967, 37.
"This film seems to pick up the same couple from “I’ve Got This Problem” (played by Don Klugman and Judy Harris) a few years later, as they attend a swinging bohemian party where they pilfer personal objects from the unsuspecting guests." Chicago Film Archives.
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