"Mrs. Anne Filut of Milwaukee, possibly entered the most ambitious undertaking to be viewed by the judges. Eleven reels of 8mm film on 'Creative Work in Fractions,' in which she clearly shows the principles of her subject and the fundamentals of the work she is teaching, taken in the class room with the children themselves as the actors. She was given honorable mention." American Cinematographer, Feb. 1936, 73.
"'Creatures of the Past' was highly enjoyed. It is the work of C. E. Welsh and C. B. O'Donovan of Pittsburgh. They took as their models a display made by local and New York department stores. The manner in which they photographed led the viewer back centuries to the time when the prehistoric mammoth was on this earth. Honorable mention was accorded these cinematographers for their work." American Cinematographer, Feb. 1936, 73.
A brief film that demonstrates how to rotated an animated cube and sphere. The film closes with the words, "La Troisieme Dimension en Cinema" (the third dimension of cinema).
"doc. scientifico"/Scientific documentary
doc. scientifico/scientific documentary
"doc. didattico"/educational documentary
"doc. scientifico"/scientific documentary
"doc. scientifico"/scientific documentary
"doc. scientifico"/scientific documentary
"The dependence of all living things on water. The physical properties of water; water as a habitat for such creatures as insects, birds, beavers, frogs; use and abuse of water resources by man." (BC Archives)
Total Pages: 14