"Amateur film footage shot by Dave M. Tatsuno while he was interned at the Topaz War Relocation Center, the Japanese-American internment camp located in Delta, Utah. The footage dates from 1942-1945, the years that Tatsuno was interned in the camp." Archives West.
"Film documents the Royal Visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in Toronto May 22, 1939. Film shows the royal party traveling through the city and at various locations including Union Station, City Hall, Queen's Park, and Exhibition Place. The Toronto Movie Club presents the film, which was shot by over 25 club members staged at different locations. "The Toronto Movie Club : Its first fifty years, 1934-1984" pp. 14, 15, provides additional details about this film including the fact that many copies of the film were sold and one copy was presented to the King and Queen." Archives of Ontario.
[Also known as The Tourist Trophy Races]
"Un documental sobre las acciones plásticas de Raúl Tovar, pintor pop integrante del Salón Independiente, egresado –igual que Celestinos– de la ENAP. En él aparecen jóvenes con los cuerpos pintados de negro y las bocas rojas en algo parecido a un happening, la elaboración de un mural colectivo con frases icónicas de la época ("la imaginación al poder", "Peace", "Love", citas de Lao-Tse, etcétera). En la película predominaba un ambiente psicodélico que no llegaba más allá de la obra del pintor y del contexto juvenil en el que se producía" (Vázquez Mantecón, 2012).
"A documentary about the plastic art actions of Raúl Tovar, a pop painter member of the Independent Hall, alumni –same as Celestinos– of the ENAP. In it, young people appear with their bodies painted in black and their mouths painted in red in some sort of happening, there is also the making of a collective mural with iconic phrases of the time ("all power to the imagination", "Peace", "Love", quotes by Lao-Tse, etcetera). A psychedelic ambiance prevailed, not going beyond the work of the painter and the youthful context produced at the time" (Vázquez Mantecón, 2012).
"Opens with footage of a man, two women and a girl in a garden. Some footage shot through a gap in a wall and some closer up. They are seen playing with a dog. The film continues with footage of the Tower Circus elephants being bathed in the sea at Blackpool. A crowd watches as the elephant's keeper controls them whilst riding one. Members of the crowd pet the elephants before they are seen leaving the beach. This is followed by footage from Stanley Park in Blackpool. Two girls are seen walking through the park and relaxing by a bowling green. The film ends with footage of Stanley Park lake, thick with boats, shot from a moving boat." (NWFA Online Database)
"Un-staged documentary footage shot and edited by Sallie Wagner. Sallie's description of the film: 'Trading post at Wide Ruins, "Trader Burnt Hat" - Bill Lippincott, Sallie, Antoinette Badgley - mother, baby, Sallie, group of three left to right - Gaddy, John Joe, and ? , Tom Big Gun - raising his arm quickly Hosteen Belahi. Little Woman - captive of [Kit] Carson [survived the Long Walk and Navajo incarceration at Ft. Sumner], John Joe's wife (gold skirt) and daughter, Mary Toddy and John Toddy, young children, Joe Toddy, Nashoshi Begay, Paul Jones in trading post trading with Bill Cousins, wife and child of Tom Big Gun, Lukachuka - also captive of Carson (Blackrock's brother - both medicine men). Navajo Refugee Site "Kinazin" (which means Standing House) near Wide Ruins, Pat Norton inside "Kinazin" ruins, Cliff Ruin in Canyon del Muerto, ceremonial jar washed out by rain, Bill Lippincott - Elvin Jonas and Jack Norton excavating the pot, climbing cliff at Canyon de Chelly - Larry Bell and Doyle Mulligan, Sallie and Bill looking at pictographs below Wide Ruins, pictographs near spring north of trading post, Navajo Fence at Wide Ruins, numerous sunsets'." New Mexico State Archives.
"A Traditional Country Wedding in Aland by A. O. Olson a PSA member of San Francisco, Calif. Axel has recorded an all-but-disappeared ritual in this tiny island between Finland and Sweden. This 23-minute 16-mm film was awarded the PSA-MPD Gold Medal and the Documentary Film Award" PSA Journal, Nov. 1971, 42.
"In the fall of the year, the late flowers are blooming, the evergreens have about completed their year's growth in preparation for the heavy winter, the deciduous have donned their golden mantles soon to become their winter blanket. All part of the thanksgiving for a bountiful season. The tall golden hillside trees set in a great panorama, interspersed with the dark grenes, the paths carpeted with golden leaves of varying hues of yellow, orange and red. It is here we visit the Mortons with their trailer in the pines" PSA Journal, Nov. 1959, 49.
"a documentary film showing the arrival of a train at a small country station and the activities it arouses" (HMHT 1933: 299).
"It is spring in Brooklyn, and Leo J. Heffernan has found a multitude of trees there. He opens the film with a sombre shot of New York's waterfront and skyline, to indicate the tense activity of a large city. A title suggests that those who live in the midst of this turmoil can find solace not far away. The film proceeds to the bounteous display of flowering trees in a large public park. Glowing shots of heavily laden branches against blue sky are interspersed with scenes of Sunday strollers wandering through shaded walks and falling petals. Mr. Heffernan has used to good effect his fine technical skill, and his color transitions between scenes are smoothly accomplished. Trees That Grow in Brooklyn is accompanied by a rhymed narrative written especially for the film by Mr. Heffernan." Movie Makers, Dec. 1946, 489.
Total Pages: 79