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Quinta Feira, A [The Thursday]

Date produced: 1974


Miguel Ángel Quintana


Documental sobre un mercado en Barcelos, un pueblo del norte de Portugal, que se celebra todos los jueves del año. En él, se pueden encontrar hasta las cosas más inverosímiles.

Documentary about a market in Barcelos, a northern town in Portugal, that happens every Thursday of the year. In the market, even the most improbable things can be found.

R.A.F. Pageant

Date produced: 1931


Ruth Stuart Rodger


"In the [‘Interest’] class [at the Era Challenge Cup competition] was entered a picture of such outstanding merit that the judges were hard put to make their final decision. This was submitted by a lady, who had chosen as her subject the R.A.F. Pageant. Here, again, the fact that the photographer could not choose a position of vantage, but had to be content with a place among the crowd, had to be taken into account. But in spite of difficulties, this entry can only be described as a poem of movement and high speed. The photographic quality is exceptional. The sky, most cunning toned down with filters, proves a scintillating background, strongly reminiscent of the best German photography. For an amateur this picture is really a little gem, with so much to recommend it that it secured a special award, which the judges decided to offer themselves" (Hill 1931: 7).

Racing Stars

Date produced: 1964


Frederick C. Harshbarger


"Racing Stars tells the story of a contest of boating enthusiasts in the Star class of sail boats. The Star is used primarily for racing, is about 23 feet long, has a keel with a 900 pound weight at the bottom, and carries only two sails, a main and a jib. Standards assure similarity of boats, of which there are about 5000 in all parts of the world. An animated diagram shows how Star boats follow the prescribed course in a contest An excellent commentary with superb photography keeps this picture moving with never a let-up, and any landlubber can smell the sea air by the time the picture ends" PSA Journal, Sept. 1964, 50.

Rainbow Trail

Date produced: 1948


O. L. Tapp


"It takes a good deal of ability to treat fishing cinematically. It takes still more ability to approach the subject with humor and yet avoid the ludicrous. O. L. Tapp has bypassed both pitfalls in his Rainbow Trail, a beautifully paced, short film that catches the fun of all fishing trips but still makes its point that the angler's life is not all sweetness and light. Mr. Tapp precedes the body of his film with several short shots and titles, all of which indicate a candid view of a fisherman's veracity. The succeeding footage illustrates his thesis, as he (thin, awkward) and a companion (stout, capable) undergo the rigors of stream fishing. That a reviewer can sum up the characteristics of the two men in two adjectives is an indication of the excellent casting and direction which distinguish Rainbow Trail." Movie Makers, Dec. 1948, 491.

Rancho Paicines

Date produced: 1937


Henry Washburn


Film record of a cattle roundup at Paicines Ranch in California.


Date produced: 1971


Jeff Kreines


"RATAMATA is a portrait of the diverse opinions of Chicagoans (ranging from high school students to habitual mayoral candidate Lars Daly) as they reflect on the general state of affairs in America, the war in Vietnam, social and racial conflict, freedom and personal liberty, happiness, and social justice." Chicago Film Archives

Ray Coon’s Busy Day

Date produced: 1941


Arthur H. Smith


"An amateur film about a raccoon." Center for Home Movies.

Red Sand

Date produced: 1933


R. P. Ewing


"Red Sand, a carefully edited study of bull fighting, is another reel, which will run just over 200 feet selected from the 1000 feet that was shot." Movie Makers, Feb. 1933, 50.

Reporter Mecánico, El = Mechanical Reporter, The

Date produced: 1933


Delmir de Caralt


(Catalan): Film que recrea un documental esportiu del 1900 amb una bona dosi d'ironia. Se succeeixen escenes de ciclisme, futbol, jocs diversos, atletisme i banys a la platja; rodat a 16 imatges per segon (manualment), afegint rètols virats amb decoració i fons antics, i posant una especial cura en la indumentària dels personatges, tot amb la finalitat de donar una major versemblança al film.

Film that recreates a 1900 sports documentary with a good dose of irony. It includes scenes of cycling, football, athletics, and bathing on the beach follow one another. In order to give greater credibility to the film it was shot at 16 frames per second (manually), adding colour intertitles with antique decor and backgrounds, and putting special care into the characters costumes. [Description from the Filmoteca de Catalunya catalog]

Rhododendron Time

Date produced: 1939


Eunice Alliott

Eustace Alliott


"A short film featuring two brief sequences. The first Near Latimer features cattle in a field. The second Rhododendron Time comprises Eunice Alliott walking alone and with a Chow Chow in the gardens of Ashridge House." (EAFA Database)

Total Pages: 79