"The audience, aided by the perspective eye of the motion picture camera, watches the converging paths of unrelated people. Gently, their separate activities draw them together briefly, to touch, and then send them on their separate ways again. A thoughtfully produced and completely enjoyable film that uses the best of the film-makers art. the skillful use of music as the "narrator" of the story brought to the maker of the film the George Cushman Trophy for the most effective use of sound on film" PSA Journal, Oct. 1963, 41-42.
"Pets, 350 ft., 16mm., filmed by Dr. F. S. O'Hara, won its position on the list of special mention because of the many remarkably well composed closeups of family pets that it contains and because of the cameraman's patience and skill in securing many delightfully natural bits of action. Included in the film is a sequence of a cat and dog playing together. The film offers much grace and photographic beauty as well as that amazing attractiveness animals always possess on the screen." Movie Makers, Dec. 1931, 686.
El filme muestra una procesión católica en la que hombres cargan esculturas de la Virgen y Cristo cargando una cruz. Cientos de personas caminan con ellos, incluyendo unos cuantos hombres vestidos de blanco, con máscaras y la espalda descubierta, que caminan de espaldas mientras se auto-flagelan. Se muestran diversas imágenes de estos hombres golpeándose a sí mismos, gente caminando junto a las estatuas y un hombre con una máscara blanca y una túnica café que muestra una cruz en la espalda; este hombre en particular camina sin zapatos y con cadenas alrededor de sus pies. Casi al final del filme, los hombres vestidos de blanco van ante un sacerdote que pica sus espaldas con un pequeño instrumento hasta que sangran, para después continuar auto-flagelándose. La película termina con imágenes de la procesión aún avanzando.
The film shows a Catholic procession in which men carry sculptures of the Virgin and of Christ carrying a cross. Hundreds of people walk along with them, including a few men all dressed in white, with white masks and their backs uncovered, that walk backwards while they are self-flagellating. The film contains several images of this men beating themselves, people walking along with the statues and one man with a white mask and a brown gown with a cross on the back; this particular man walks without shoes and has chains around his feet. Almost at the end of the film, the men dressed in white go before a priest that punctures their backs with a small instrument until they bleed, afterwards, the continue to self-flagellate. The movie finishes with images of the procession still advancing.
"Film depicts a club picnic held at a Eaton Hall Farm. Film includes title cards. Footage includes families at picnic, playing games, canoeing, swimming and people filming with motion picture cameras" Archives of Ontario.
"One must enjoy a great deal of fun in building and flying the midget airplanes. Not the rubber-band motors, but the real one-cylinder petrol engine with radio control. We witness the construction and flying of the miniature craft" PSA Journal, Nov. 1960, 42.
"In the pond, many things are stirring - freshwater earthworms, and tiny aquatic creatures known as infusoria and daphnia. This remarkable amateur scientific documentary investigates microbes in a drop of pond water as seen through a microscope. The film was made by using a binocular eyepiece developed specifically for the purpose, and won many awards." (BFI Player)
La primera parte de la película recoge la historia pasada de Bizkaia y el País Vasco a través de sus pueblos. En cada pueblo se realiza una narración relacionada con la historia de ese lugar y su contexto en relación a Bizkaia.
The first part of this film tells the past story of Biscay and the Basque Country by depicting its towns. Each town has a narration, related to that place's history and to its context relating it to Biscay.
Segunda parte de la película que, partiendo del año1975, plantea qué ha sido de quienes perdieron la guerra. El filme habla de opresión, el mundo del trabajo, la evolución de los pueblos y los problemas que enfrentan.
The second part of the film starts in 1975, and tells the story of those who lost the war. The film speaks of oppression, the job market, the evolution of towns and the problems they face.
"Portrait in Bronze is an excellent documentary of the making of a bronze bust from the first sitting and the sculpturing in clay right on through to the finished product. The original was shot on Ektachrome commercial and the projection print is excellent in every particular - a large factor in the film's success. It received the MPD Golden Scissors Award for best editing of any film in the contest" PSA Journal, Sept. 1965, 50.
A film with the artist Morris Blackburn as its subject.
Total Pages: 79