(Catalan): Film humorístic amateur, en el qual l'autor especula, irònicament, amb el significat literal dels diaris de l'època (1934), com per exemple, un presoner està llegint el diari LA LIBERTAD darrera de les reixes de la presó.
Film about the social impact of newspapers in the everyday life of the interwar period. It mixes fiction with documentary styles and warns against the political implication of mass media, especially in relation to their effect on workers, from a conservative perspective. [Description from the Filmoteca de Catalunya catalog]
doc. scientifico/scientific documentary
"In Dineh, Henry E. Hird. whose broad sympathies have brought his talents to bear upon so many unselfish projects, has taken up an effective cudgel in behalf of the Navajo Indians in the United States. Dineh, "The People," is the Navajo word for their tribe. Mr. Hird went to the Navajo country with the simple purpose of making a record film of that proud and self reliant Indian people. From what he saw there and from his conversations with many Indian citizens, he became convinced that now, if ever, the Navajos need understanding and practical aid. His film, therefore, not only accomplishes his primary aim — of recording an interesting racial group — but, in scenes and particularly in narrative, it pleads the economic and social case of the Navajos. Mr. Hird's cinematography is of very high order, as is usual in his films. His continuity is intelligent and interesting, and his narrative is a fine plea for a worthy segment of the citizenship of the United States." Movie Makers, Dec. 1947, 514.
"There are many things at Disneyland for the filmer and, of course, these must be filmed as they are. It is not every filmer who makes an interesting motion picture of a portion of this holiday land. Binekorb takes us on the water excursion and through the "back country and jungle." A picture to be enjoyed by all. The film was returned to the maker before a frame enlargement could be made" PSA Journal, Nov. 1960, 41.
"A trip through the famed land of fantasy in Southern California, done for the enjoyment of old and young alike. We tour the Mississippi on the showboat, glide through the jungles with their wild inhabitants, penetrate the ocean depths on board an "atomic" submarine, and enjoy all the fascinating experiences in this land of make-believe. Unusual camera angles and freshness of approach in sound and picture give new meaning to this oft photographed subject" PSA Journal, Oct. 1963, 40.
"An amateur documentary film about the arrival of a Chinese-Vietnamese family to Deerfield by way of a refuge camp in Hong Kong. The Zion Lutheran Church of Deerfield sponsored the family’s arrival." Chicago Film Archives
"documentario – che vuole essere l'espressione immediata ed esatta della tensione spirituale vissuta dall'Italia fascista, e in particolare da Napoli, durante la "settimana del mare" dell'anno XVII, il ritorno di legionari dopo la conquista dell'Impero. —I Littoriali del cinema: Un’altra interessante serie di documentari,” La Stampa, September 3, 1939"
"documentary – which is intended to be the immediate and exact expression of the spiritual tension experienced by Fascist Italy, and in particular by Naples, during the "sea week" of the year XVII, the return of legionaries after the conquest of the Empire."
"Dog shows are no laughing matter, from the serious faces of the young people in this delightful film, though the dogs themselves are far more enthusiastic about the whole affair. The junior dog owners are clearly not quite in full control of their pets, and the watching crowd in this Cheshire field seems as interested in the camera as in the canine competition." (BFI Player)
"Science fiction film influenced by the style of inter-war European art cinema." East Anglian Film Archive.
"Each year the contest sponsored by the American Society of Cinematographers through this magazine seems to bring forth a surprise. For several years the 8mm cinematrographers have been setting the pace, but never has any of them reached the goal achieved this year by Miss Ruth Stuart. Miss Stuart has been a contributor to this contest every year for the past three years; in 1933 she was given the medal for travel pictures. Her 200 ft. 16mm subject 'Doomsday' was also awarded honors in the British Institute of Amateur Cinematographers. In the American Society of Cinematographers contest just closed she was given a recognition for the Outstanding picture, in photography and Documentary pictures. It will be surprising to many that this unusual honor should befall a woman. Photography, by the unwritten law, is supposedly the realm of male species. Miss Stuart, however showed such a fine understanding of the value of pictures that move, how to fabricate these moving photographs into an interesting document that would hold any audience anywhere in the civilized world. For a person who films she must have developed a stony heart in order to cut as judiciously as the picture indicates. There is a tempo to the production that is very seldom achieved by an amateur. There are no obvious pet shots or scenes. Each sequence, each scene, each picture was left in production for a purpose to give it atmosphere to help the story along." American Cinematographer, Jan. 1937, 25.
"Well photographed, well planned film dealing with the contrasted fears of town and country folk and their reaction to catastrophe" (IAC 1975).
‘A fantasy based upon a fear which has preyed upon credulous minds from the beginning of time' is the maker's description of this ambitious attempt to show how people react to the possibility of a catastrophe and then to the real event. The story hinges upon a cosmic event that upsets the Earth's equilibrium, causes an imbalance of weather conditions and other natural forces, resulting in widespread panic’ (EAFA Database)."
Total Pages: 79