"The producer must be a chef because he shows the problems of making a Baked Alaska in the best French fashion. He does a very beautiful job of it, right up to the triumphant finish." PSA Journal, Nov. 1956, 45.
"doc. scientifico"/Scientific documentary
"Dr. A. I. Willinsky has made an important contribution to medicine in his film Cystometrography. The initial part of the movie shows brilliant use of models in this amazing recording of bladder pressure. The second portion deals with the machines used in study technique and includes one developed by Dr. Willinsky himself. The picture culminates with a series of charts, showing the wide variety of clinical records kept. The film is a very intelligently planned, comprehensive statement of the method that Dr. Willinsky is presenting." Movie Makers, Dec. 1945, 496.
"The recipe for a film like Dad and I Took a Walk sounds simple enough. You take equal parts of Father and Son, add a cupful of scenery, season with judicious pinches of natural science — and cook till done. The secret, apparently, lies with the "cook till done" section; so much depends on the cook. But W. W. Vincent, jr., is a good chef, to judge by the results from his cinematic oven. In clean cut, tripod steady Kodachrome, he and his son are seen roaming the pleasant Wisconsin landscape, with nicely timed pauses to point out, one to the other, a nesting robin, a praying mantis or a bright snake asleep in the warming sun. As the two men discuss their finds, spoken titles are double exposed against appropriate backgrounds or the pages of a bird manual are inserted naturally in full frame closeups. Dad and I Took a Walk is an attractive blend of personal filmdom's most popular subjects — field, family and fauna." Movie Makers, Dec. 1942, 508.
“1975 yılında yapılmıştır. İngiltere'nin İrlanda’daki sömürüsü, politik mahkumları, özgürlük mücadelesi hakkında 5 dakikalık bir filmdir. Dönemin görsel materyal azlığı koşullarında bol fotoğrafla ve az görüntülü bilgilendirme amaçlı bir filmdir.” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/davut-ile-golyat/ (1 November 2019).
“It was made in 1975. This 5-minute-long film is about the British exploitation in Ireland, the political struggle [of the Irish people], and the fight for freedom. Because of the lack of visual material at the time of production, it purposefully benefits from the use of [the historical] photographs as counter-information.” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/davut-ile-golyat/ (1 November 2019).
"Dramatized documentary: Depicts life in the Belgian Congo and French Cameroons." National Archives.
Thomas Archibald (Archie) Stewart
"Structured around a hunting trip to Maine made by Archie Stewart and Howard Kendall. The two men travel to Perry, Maine, from New York state by train, then drive a car to a lake where they transfer their luggage to a motor boat on Grand Lake Stream and ride through heavy fog on rough water to West Grand Lake. They then carry a canoe to Lower Sysladobsis Lake, load the canoe with their rifles and supplies, and paddle off. After reaching their camp along the lake's shore, they check their rifles and eat before hunting." oldfilm.org
"Design, by Walter Mills, ACL, is an expository film study on 8mm. and shows to fine advantages the possibilities of this medium for serious cinematic undertakings. In this 200 foot reel, the story of a day at the Kendall Art School, in Grand Rapids, Mich., has been told coherently and instructively. The picture represents real skill in planning, selection of viewpoint and photography. Naturally, most of the sequences in the film called for interior shots and the maker is to be commended highly for his lighting arrangements, which give perfectly normal effects in the film without the usual glare and unevenness. Angle shots and unusual camera positions are used with restraint but with most happy results when the situation calls for them. The technical quality is of uniform excellence and the cutting is done with particular care." Movie Makers, Dec. 1933, 522.
Una película que nos muestra los preparativos previos a un rally de cine con entrevistas a los cineastas que participaban en el mismo. A la par ocurre un concurso de
A film that shows the preparation for a film rally with interviews to the filmmakers that are participating. At the same time there is a tug of war contest.
"Diamonds is a superb piece of work on this precious stone, showing how it is cut, polished, and made into something beautiful. Sparkling photography" PSA Journal, Sept. 1964, 51.
Total Pages: 79