"An amateur comedy drama about a young Englishman pursued by Russian spies and the kidnapping of his girlfriend." (EAFA Database)
"Film is a mostly animated cartoon featuring an animated woman and men. The film backdrop often features life images of an old house in winter. The film begins by showing a few pages from the Dec. 7, 1867 'The Milkspur Beacon' newspaper. The woman is in the middle of getting married when she decides to run away. After going back and forth between at least two men, she gets married again" Archives of Ontario.
"This collaborative student film follows a confused young man throughout his day, as he navigates various environments (church, neighborhood streets, parties, etc), never seeming to fit in. Beatles songs featured prominently throughout." Chicago Film Archives
"Beneath ominous storm clouds, the recently engaged Ann Lister (Winifred Poyser) and Bob Randle (Harry Ellis) argue about their ideas of marital bliss - she wants a house in town, he prefers a country cottage. As the argument reaches its peak, Ann removes her engagement ring, and hands it back to Bob, who walks away, crestfallen. Visiting Amelia - "a very modern girl with very modern ideas about love" - Ann admits that she broke off the engagement in an attempt to find out if Bob really loves her. Following a series of encounters in the street, Ann hatches a plan to become the leading lady opposite Bob in a new theatrical production. But will their love survive the ultimate test?" (EAFA Database)
Total Pages: 4