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Remote Control

Date produced: 1937


Milton Dowe

Reporter Mecánico, El = Mechanical Reporter, The

Date produced: 1933


Delmir de Caralt


(Catalan): Film que recrea un documental esportiu del 1900 amb una bona dosi d'ironia. Se succeeixen escenes de ciclisme, futbol, jocs diversos, atletisme i banys a la platja; rodat a 16 imatges per segon (manualment), afegint rètols virats amb decoració i fons antics, i posant una especial cura en la indumentària dels personatges, tot amb la finalitat de donar una major versemblança al film.

Film that recreates a 1900 sports documentary with a good dose of irony. It includes scenes of cycling, football, athletics, and bathing on the beach follow one another. In order to give greater credibility to the film it was shot at 16 frames per second (manually), adding colour intertitles with antique decor and backgrounds, and putting special care into the characters costumes. [Description from the Filmoteca de Catalunya catalog]


Date produced: 1932


Ben Carleton


"Several people, differing widely in age and character, and all requiring a quiet break, rent a country cottage, 'Resthaven'. Due to a booking mix-up, they arrive at the same time. A storm, a surly caretaker and smuggling activities cause further complications before all is happily resolved for the visitors." (EAFA Database)

Results of Doctor’s Orders

Date produced: 1933


Comber Wiatt

Retort Courteous, The

Date produced:


George Aldcroft


"A couple dine in a restaurant. She is so busy with powdering her nose and correcting her lipstick that the "garçon" despairs of ever getting their order. In the end, her suitor orders water and razor to get his revenge." Library and Archives Canada.

Returned Empty

Date produced: 1933


Frances Bell


"The theme, a slight and amusing one, concerned itself with the difficulties of a non-teetotal couple on a visit to their aunt, an elderly and confirmed total abstainer. The photography, especially the daylight interiors, is particularly good" (HMHT 1933: 370&374)

Riding High In The San Juan Wonderland

Date produced: 1949


Stanley Midgley


"A new illustrated lecture filmed on an amusing trip by bicycle through the isolated, unspoiled southwestern corner of Colorado." Pacific Union Recorder, Dec. 12, 1949, 4.

Rise and Fall of Susan Lennox, The

Date produced: 1930


Sidney Shurcliff


"A fender-bender drama calling for driving the cars up and down crashing into each other and trying to force each other off the road." oldfilm.org

Road to Fleet Street

Date produced: 1930

Rollo’s Revenge

Date produced: 1933


Sidney Shurcliff

Total Pages: 23