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Mystery of the Monarchs

Date produced: 1960


Lee Ruffner

Harry Ruffner


"The monarch butterfly comes home to the butterfly trees at Pacific Grove, California, from Canada and the Pacific Northwest, in the early fall. School children, with the help of the grownups, stage a colorful parade in honor of these monarchs. The habits and complete life cyce unfold before us; the butterfly, eggs, larva or caterpillar, chrysalis, and the emergence of the new butterfly. A fascinating subject presented beautifully" PSA Journal, Nov. 1960, 40.

Nature Campers

Date produced: 1951


Herbert D. Shumway


"There is a lively and rewarding sense of participation about Nature Campers which, despite its threatening length, should give this picture wide appeal. In it, an eager-eyed group of young people and a few engagingly raffish naturalists pursue their studies of the outdoors with enthusiasm — and sound cinematics. Birds, butterflies, frogs and fish are among the creatures which come before Herbert Shumway's camera. But they come there, not just in the stiff ultracloseups of the studio, but as a natural part of the picture's development. The background musical selections are an enjoyable addition to an entertaining picture." Movie Makers, Dec. 1951, 412.

Open Your Eyes

Still from Open Your Eyes

Date produced: 1967


Dorothy Maud Maxey


'Amateur filmmaker Dorothy Maxey observes the wildlife in her native Norfolk capturing on Super 8 film a variety of interesting flora and fauna, including at Thompson Common where ponies wade into the pingos and steal the heads from the water violets, and in her own back garden stumbling across wrestling toads. The filmmaker also recalls a story of nursing a poorly mouse following a frosty night by returning home with it to kindly warm him up under the oven grill' (EAFA.org.uk)


Date produced: 1980


Miguel Ángel Quintana

Ángel Bernal


Documental sobre el ciclo de vida de la mariposa Papilo Machaón, desde su fase inicial como larva hasta su forma final como mariposa. “En el atardecer, descansan las mariposas esperando al nuevo día para continuar su misión, libando y fecundando flores, manteniendo así el equilibrio ecológico del fascinante mundo de la naturaleza”. (Papilio 1980)

Documentary about the life cycle of the Papilo Machaón, from its initial stage as a larva until its final form as a butterfly. "At sunset, the butterflies rest awaiting the new day to continue their mission, absorbing polen and pollinating flowers, maintaining the fascinating ecological equilibrium of the natural world. (Papilio 1980)

Wanderer Butterfly, The

Date produced: 1955


William G. Nicholls


"A study of the Wanderer Butterfly presented in an interesting manner. Making full use of extension tubes and telelenses, the excellent extreme close-up photography affords the audience a detailed glimpse of the life cycle of this beautiful insect." PSA Journal, Dec. 1955, 36.

Total Pages: 2