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Villa de Corres [Corres Village]

Date produced: 1983


Mertxe Martínez


Documental corto sobre el pueblo de Villa de Corres. El filme comienza con varios paisajes de los alrededores y planos de montañas y el río. A continuación se muestra el pueblo, aparecen casas, el río, calles y algunas partes características como el Castillo, el hospital, la iglesia de San Esteban, el bebedero, la fuente , la plaza, etc. También aparecen algunas personas mayores y niños por las calles. Se comenta que es un pueblo con una población de 30 habitantes pero que es uno de los pueblos más longevos de la provincia de Álava.

Short documentary about a town called Villa de Corres. The film begins with several landscapes of the surroundings and shots of the mountains and the river. Then the film shows the town, houses, the river, streets, and some landmarks like the Castle, the hospital, the San Esteban church, the drink fountain, the fountain, the square, etc. Some older persons and children are also seen. It is said that the town only has a population of 30 persons, but that it is one of the longest-living towns in the Alava province.

Visit to an Art School, A

Date produced: 1932


George H. Higginson


"Pottery and fashion design, etching and metalwork, sculpting and woodcarving, painting and still life drawing - aspiring young artists and designers in Manchester improve their skills while pursuing their career dreams in this fascinating and beautifully filmed record from the inter-war years, shot by their fellow School of Art student George Higginson." (BFI Player)

When The Red Gods Call

Date produced: 1931


W. H. Dodge


"When The Red Gods Call, 1600 ft., 16mm., is noteworthy as an exceptional record of wild animal life in the great north woods and was made by W. H. Dodge. With infinite patience and camera skill, Mr. Dodge succeeded in recording the natural movements of moose, bear and other wild animal subjects and his photography under difficult conditions, as exemplified in this film, is exceptional. The results gained in many of the telephoto shots and in shots taken with fast lenses and superspeed film were made possible by a specialized cine outfit, developed by the maker of the film himself. Beautiful nature shots, as well as exceptional night and flare work, add to the original qualities of this film." Movie Makers, Dec. 1931, 685-686.

Windmills - My Style

Still from Windmills My style

Date produced: 1982


Valrie Ellis


Animated film of windmills and revolving multi-coloured shapes and patterns, in time to the tune 'Windmills of My Mind' (EAFA)

Witch’s Fiddle, The

Date produced: 1924


Peter Le Neve Foster


"Possibly the first student film ever made, this tale of a magical instrument was shot by the newly formed Cambridge University Kinema Club. While the film is a daft comedy, its creators went on to careers straight from a thriller: director Peter Le Neve Foster spent years filming behind the Iron Curtain, his assistant director Cedric Belfrage was a suspected Russian spy, and Pembroke Stephens - the lovesick youth - was killed in 1937 while reporting on the Japanese invasion of China." (BFI Player)

Xmas Time

Date produced: 1951


Grace Lindner


"Most Christmas films seem to be concerned with only one aspect of this December holiday — the gaiety of family life around the tree, opening presents and a festive dinner. Grace Lindner has recorded the material side of the season in the early footage of her film, Xmas Time, as she shows gleaming shop windows, hurrying shoppers, decorated doorways and members of her family around the hearthside. But in a smooth transition from a creche under the tree to the children saying their prayers, she ends her film with a series of architectural studies of the spires and bell towers of churches, filmed through bleak branches against a winter sky. This moving climax, accompanied by a choir recording of The Lord's Prayer, admirably fulfills her aim to portray the triumph of the spirit of Christmas over the baser observances." Movie Makers, Dec. 1951, 412.

Young America Paints

Date produced: 1940


T. W. Willard


"To the fascinating subject of finger painting, Willard Pictures has added its flawless color photography, and the result is Young America Paints. Finger painting is a subject highly suited to movies, in so far as the actual painting is concerned; but, when it comes to showing the results on such an extensive scale as was necessary in this film, a good deal of cinematic ingenuity is needed. Clear, direct presentation marks the entire picture, and the excellent narrative is powerful although unobtrusive. Fresh and interesting angles, together with unconventional lighting methods, serve to give the picture a pace and verve that the subject requires. This movie accomplishes its purpose in a most satisfactory manner, for nobody could see the film without feeling a strong urge to start finger painting for himself. That in itself is the greatest tribute that can be paid to a persuasive type of motion picture." Movie Makers, Dec. 1940, 601.

Total Pages: 14