"...a record of his trip to Australia." (Sharcott)
"Oltre a questi ve ne sono altri che apparirebbero soggetto ma la trama è così tenue e poco chiara che noi non esitiamo a porli fra i documentari (La prora incatenata; Zoo; Cacciatori delle Alpi o 65 O.M.)"—Cinegiornale, 1936
"In addition to these there are others that would appear subject but the plot is so tenuous and unclear that we do not hesitate to place them among the documentaries (The Chained Bow; Zoo; Hunters of the Alps or 65 O.M.)"-Cinegiornale, 1936
"Almost every day of the year some 10 trawlers set out from the twin ports of Grimby and Hull, England, for the Arctic fishing grounds to return three weeks later with their cargo of deep sea fish. This film is a record of one such voyage with sound effects recorded on location. This will generate a nostalgic effervescence for those lovers of deep sea fishing and all will wish to join in the adventure without having to share in the work and inconvenience. The film moves with interest and excitement, a treat for all" PSA Journal, Oct. 1961, 47.
"Production Credit: Director, Henry Sedziak; camera, Watson Balharrie
Cast credit: Hosts, Pete and Gertie Robertson; members of The Ottawa Ciné Club
Description: In far off Woodridge north of Ottawa, uninvited weekend guests invade a cottage and create havoc." (LAC description)
"Narró en la cinta la reflexión existencial de un personaje que piensa sobre la relación entre los ideales genuinos y la realidad que lo rodea. En ella el tema político ocupaba un marco sutil pero presente. El título sugiere el regreso a un lugar donde el pensamiento comience de nuevo, sin supuestos previos. En la cinta de Belaunzarán aparecen mezclados varios elementos que perturban la reflexión del personaje: la propaganda política, Telesistema Mexicano, las imágenes sobre Vietnam, Biafra, Tlatelolco" (Vázquez Mantecón, 2012).
"The film was about the existential reflection of a character that thinks about the relationship between genuine ideals and the reality surrounding him. In it the political theme was a subtle framework, but it was present. The title suggests coming back to a place where thought begins again, without previous assumptions. In Belaunzarán's film there are several elements that disturb the reflection of the character: political propaganda, the Mexican Telesystem, images of Vietnam, Biafra, Tlatelolco" (Vázquez Mantecón, 2012).
"Jac Thall, of 957 77th Street, Brooklyn, N.Y., a publicity man for theatrical circuit, captured the fourth prize in the dramatic division for his little serio-comedy of the tribulations of a Povery Row movie company. This was called 'A Quickie' and was marked by some unusual amateur acting by Helen Johnson. The photography of Mario D'Giovanni, 45 Garmine Street, New York, was admirable too. 'A Quickie' was shot with a Bell and Howell on 35 milimeter film and was made chiefly on Staten Island." Photoplay, Nov. 1929, 86.
fiction film
Film documentario/Documentary
"...film che offre una rapida visione del primi anni di vita delle nuove generazioni, cui appunto è affidato il domani della Nazione"—"I Littoriali del cinema: i documentari della prima giornata," La Stampa, September 2, 1939
"...film that offers a rapid vision of the first years of life of the new generations, to whom precisely is entrusted the tomorrow of the Nation." —"I Littoriali del cinema: i documentari della prima giornata," La Stampa, September 2, 1939
Total Pages: 299