Documentary footage of the 1932 summer Olympics held in Los Angeles, California. Produced by the Los Angeles Amateur Cine Club.
Un análisis histórico y religioso sobre el retablo ubicado en la basílica Asunción de Nuestra Señora de Lekeitio.
A historic and religious analysis about the altarpiece located un the Assumption of Our Lady of Lekeitio Basilica.
Documentary covering the 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne, Australia.
"Olympic summer games Helsinki, Finland, 1952." UC San Diego Library.
"Y West Side, the joint production of Robert Coles, ACL, who directed the film, and Charles Coles and Edwin Schwarz, ACL, who photographed it, is a very successful publicity picture for the West Side Y. M. C. A. in New York City. Starting with the social and dormitory facilities of the "Y," the film carries the audience on a tour of gymnasiums, special exercise rooms, roof courts and pools. The abundance of athletic and exercise equipment is shown clearly in sequences of their use, and the carefully planned action throughout the picture maintains interest and continuity. This film is distinguished by excellent photography and by the successful solution of the innumerable problems in handling large scale interiors and group action. Ingenious adaptations of games and exercises were sometimes required in order to fit the scene to the camera field, determined by the exigencies of the space available. The talents of the three producers were so integrated as to make the enterprise an outstanding success." Movie Makers, Dec. 1935, 555.
"After his Tokyo farewell ceremony, Yamamoto's ashes were sent to Kyoto on March 9. Many friends and citizens gathered at his home in Uji. On the 15th a worker-farmer funeral was held at the Sanjo YMCA. Prokino's Kyoto Branch shot these five days of activities. The long line of cars is filled with taxis whose drivers deeply admired Yamamoto. The Watanabe in the title refers to the head of the Communist Part of Japan. Watanabe was returning to Japan from Taiwan when he was stopped by authorities. He committed suicide in their custody. Yamamoto and Watanabe were mourned together."
"Yamamoto Senji fought against the Peace Preservation Law in the Diet. On March 5, 1929 he was assassinated by the right wing. A farewell ceremony was held near the University of Tokyo. Prokino's Tokyo Branch shot the procession." Film shows the crowd marching through the streets of Tokyo.
"Yea, Verily touches on the experimental and runs the range of film tempo. If you sin you can be forgiven, providing you can find someone who will forgive you. Perhaps forgiveness is subjective after all, for does anyone else really care about your transgressions?" PSA Journal, Aug. 1967, 37.
Total Pages: 299