"Lon Wadman has done in This'll Kill You! what few movie makers who have tried it have achieved. He has filmed a farce that does not wander into other interpretive channels. His mockery of detective stories is accomplished with real humor, and the acting of the players is in like vein. The lighting is in proper melodramatic mood, but it leans toward underexposure. The film is presented with two phonograph records which were aptly chosen to supplement the theme. Mr. Wadman has kept his film brief, which is as it should be with this type of story." Movie Makers, Dec. 1945, 496-497.
"Thornwell Orphanage, planned and made by Willis Osborn, is a film study of Thornwell Orphanage, showing the scholastic, industrial and religious training of the youngsters there and presenting a subtle argument for its support. This is a difficult subject because of the problem of selecting significant and coherent action from among the almost endless possibilities. Most welfare films are too discursive and too general in treatment to secure the effect desired. Mr. Osborn has succeeded in avoiding this and has produced a film as coherent and informative as it is well photographed." Movie Makers, Dec. 1932, 560.
"A documentary what will keep on film those disappearing landmarks of fond childhood memories. Members of the family reenact those wonderful memories. The children are vehicles of a flash back, at play, caring for dolls and pets. The energies of little boys and girls doing things that we may relive as we watch the Tapps' other years. A delightful family picture" PSA Journal, Nov. 1959, 47.
"This film discloses, concisely and with cinematic dexterity, what passes in the mind of a dying soldier in a shell hole in Flanders. The three memories flashing back to the suffering doughboy were well done and the film as a whole disclosed the best sense of cinematics revualed bv anv contender in this division." Photoplay, Nov. 1929, 67.
"Morality tale about the corrosive effect of money." (EAFA database)
"A clever puppet-toon, the making of which was described in a recent Journal. Clever, full of gags, well done." PSA Journal, Nov. 1956, 45.
"Three of Everything, the winner in Class C, is a cross section view of the advantages, equipment and materials the junior high school student finds today in a modern educational institution. Filmed at Mr. Gleason Junior High School in Sunland, Calif., the film depicts the print shop, the wood shop, the metal shop, the foundry, physical education, cooking classes, math and science, and finally graduation. With so much to assist his learning years, the film rightfully concludes that each student has, indeed, had three years of everything" PSA Journal, Sept. 1965, 51.
Sub-title: "Galiano Island 1940" Summary: "Impressionistic record of a sojourn on Galiano Island over a Labour Day weekend, with Oscar Burritt, Dorothy Fowler [later Burritt] and Margaret Roberts." (British Columbia Archives)
"Color film of a family picnic and riding in a model T." Church History Library.
Total Pages: 299