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They Stood Alone

Date produced: 1969


William Peterman

Ray Katos

Richard Miklos


They Stood Alone won an Honorable Mention and Special Judges' Award for a Teen-Age Production and for outstanding use of animation. This 16-minute color film of "little green men" and their fight for survival will be a real revelation to those film makers that have tried some clay figure animation. The story is a little loose but an excellent use of angles, lighting and timing more than deserves the award won by Bill Peterman 16, Ray Katos, 16 and Dick Miklos, 18, of Chicago.

They Who Touch

Date produced: 1967


Jerrold A. Peil


"They Who Touch, an award winner in past International Festivals, is an experimental, symbolic film depicting the love play of a young boy and girl. Different people get different interpretations from the hands of the young couple which are featured in this film" PSA Journal, Aug. 1967, 37.

Thing, The

Date produced: 1951


Leo Caloia


"Leo Caloia's 'The Thing' is an ambitious effort in a storyfilm production, demostrating excellent camera work." American Cinematographer, May. 1952, 224.

Things Seen Near Amersham by Eustace and Eunice Alliott

Date produced: 1930


Eunice Alliott

Eustace Alliott


"Amersham and the surrounding countryside in different seasons." (EAFA database)

Think of Me First as a Person

Date produced: 1960


Dwight Core

George Ingram


"“Think of Me First as a Person” is a short documentary about a boy with Down Syndrome. The footage was shot on 16mm in the 1960s by the boy’s father, Dwight Core, Sr. The filmmaker’s grandson, George Ingmire, completed the film forty years later. This film explores perceptions about Down Syndrome from multiple viewpoints: the boy, his sister and the father. The sincere tone and heartwarming narration by the father lends a remarkable poignancy to this film. The story that unfolds within this documentary is sure to shed light on both the struggles and blessings of raising a child with special needs." thinkofmefirstasaperson.com

Thirteenth, The

Date produced: 1933




This Enchanted Venice

Date produced: 1961


Esther S. Cooke


"In a gondola we move about the canals of Venice to see the sights and wonders of that ancient city, at one time home of the masters of the Mediterranean. There are boats, buildings, people, some in their windows ornamented with flower boxes, children at play in the land of no streets, gardens for the better-to-do citizens, and the famous clock and doves of St. Mark's Square. On the first Sunday of September each year the regatta is shown in all its color and pageantry" PSA Journal, Oct. 1961, 49

This Is a Hobby?

Date produced: 1958


John R. Kibar

Evelyn Kibar


"An amateur film made by and starring the husband and wife duo, John & Evelyn Kibar. The Kibars are on a search for a hobby, and decide upon filmmaking. A domestic mishap by Mrs. Kibar results in their film being edited incorrectly. Title cards displaying dialogue are dispersed throughout the film." Chicago Film Archives

This Land of Ours

Date produced: 1947


Edward F. Cross


"Edward F. Cross covered an extensive territory of national parks and vacation spots in the Southwest and Western sectors of the United States and has brought back an attractively filmed record of his tour. Unique rock formations have been pictured from well chosen vantage points to make the most of light and shadow. This Land of Ours is climaxed by particularly colorful units in a rodeo's grand parade and a dexterous camera handling of Indian dances. A full narrative indicates careful research to supplement the scenes on the screen." Movie Makers, Dec. 1947, 539.

This Side of Paradise

Date produced: 1936


A. Scott Moorhouse


"The prizewinner for color, 'This Side of Paradise,' was in Kodachrome and entered by A. Scott Moorhouse of Toronto, a member of the Toronto Amateur Movie Club. The locale of the subject was the Italian and Swiss mountains and lakes. The decision on color or rather the reaching of it constituted one of the committee's chief headaches. There were some remarkable examples submitted. Mr. Moorhouse has a right to feel proud of his product." American Cinematographer, Jan. 1938, 27.

Total Pages: 299