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Senjō yori [From a Battlefield]

Date produced: 1938


Takeji Takemura


"Silhouette animation that narrated a story about a son at the war, who sends a letter to his father waiting for him in his homeland. The narrative unfolds as the father reads through the letter that reveals the son’s life and circumstances in the war zone. Contemporary reviews indicate that the film included scenes such as a group of soldiers trying to walk through heavy snow, as well as the soldiers attacking into the enemy’s territory. Praised as a jikyoku eiga (film of the times) that not only “touched the audience’s heart” but also provided a new direction for amateur filmmaking under the wartime emergency." - Noriko Morisue, "Filming the Everyday: History, Theory, and Aesthetics of Amateur Cinema in Interwar and Wartime Japan" (Yale University: PhD Dissertation, 2020): 213.

Senritsu [Melody]

Date produced: 1933


Mori Kurenai


"short abstract animation featuring visual rhythms created by the tempo and movement of circular, triangular, and square objects. Mori’s Senritsu was a black-and-white animation with synchronized music accompaniment, and Shimizu noted how the film attuned the visual images to the rhythm of the music, describing that “this kind of valuable experiment will inspire commercial talkies, more than Mickey Mouse and Silly Symphony do.” - Noriko Morisue, "Filming the Everyday: History, Theory, and Aesthetics of Amateur Cinema in Interwar and Wartime Japan" (Yale University: PhD Dissertation, 2020): 99.

Sentimental Tragedy, The

Date produced: 1932



Sentinels of the Surf

Date produced: 1959


Lindsay McLeod


""We were among twenty teams, all wearing our glamour suits for this event, as we marched up the beach together." Before the parade there were rehearsals with rope carriage, simulated rescue missions, and resuscitations, going through all the motions of practice. Then came the big event when the teams were in competition, each excited with the ambition and hope of winning, the judges noting every point in favor or against. A sporting day at the beach among the contestants and the spectators. "We didn't win but we were there as a team" is a sporting conclusion" PSA Journal, Nov. 1959, 47.

Separate Vacations

Date produced: 1949


A group of families takes separate vacations – the husbands go fishing, while the wives and children choose to hold a picnic. Both vacationing groups encounter obstacles that disrupt their plans.

September Peace

Date produced: 1943


Robert P. Kehoe


"September Peace, Robert P. Kehoe will tell you, is a film which not only made itself but named itself. It is, patently, a product of this world at war, the unconscious reaction of a sensitive spirit too long abraded by the rough edges of conflict. In it, Mr. Kehoe has found again the lyric loveliness of field and flower, the beneficent sturdiness of great trees, the warmth and beauty of the slanting sunlight. Unusually effective scoring plays its part in creating this moving attestation to the joys of peace." Movie Makers, Dec. 1943, 478.


Date produced:


Eloy González Gavilán


Un pequeño niño llamado Sergio hace una lista de regalos que desea, en la que incluye un traje de soldado, una metralleta y otras armas. Después Sergio tiene un sueño en el que es un soldado explorando el campo y divirtiéndose con sus armas; el sueño se transforma en pesadilla cuando ve a su familia muerta y cubierta de sangre. Sergio llora y besa a sus familiares muertos para después tirar su metralleta de juguete cubierta de sangre. Después despierta asustado y destruye su lista de deseos.

A little boy named Sergio makes a wish list of gifts that include a soldier suit, a machine gun and other weapons. He then has a dream of himself as a soldier exploring the country and having fun with his guns; the dream turns into a nightmare when he sees his family dead and covered in blood. He cries and kisses the dead members of his family and finally he throws away his toy machine gun covered in blood. Sergio wakes up scared and destroys his wish list.

Settlers, The

Date produced: 1965


John W. Ruddell


The film received the "Sound Award for the most effective use of sound, and the new MPD Documentary Film Award which is being given for the first time this year. The film might be described as a re-created or dramatized documentary and depicts the early life of the settlers who tilled the soil and made a living over a century ago. In the film we meet Will and Maggie McLeod who have just purchased a farm and are returning in their covered wagon from an auction sale where they have purchased several belongings for their new home. Will McLeod was a ship builder in Nova Scotia, but when that industry died down he decided to migrate westward. This film is their story and shows the struggles they encountered and depicts their way of life in those early days. Excellent photography and excellent editing, coupled with good pacing - all of which are typical Ruddell trademarks - blend well together to this top award film" PSA Journal, Sept. 1965, 50.
The film is also known as The Settlers: Early Pioneer Farmers of the Great Lakes Region.

Seven Till Five

Date produced: 1933


Norman McLaren

William J. MacLean


"Filmed by Norman McLaren and Willie J. MacLean, [Seven Till Five] shows a day in the life of the Glasgow School of Art." National Library of Scotland Moving Image Archive.

Sexual Product, A

Date produced: 1972


Bea McKinney


"Produced by Bea McKinney, “A Sexual Product” is a short amateur film featuring stop-motion animation. McKinney, who taught filmmaking at King High School in Corpus Christi, made the film while studying at the Center for Understanding Media in New York in July 1972" Texas Archive of the Moving Image.

Total Pages: 299