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Rhapsody in Color

Date produced: 1939


Michael Sym

Rhododendron Time

Date produced: 1939


Eunice Alliott

Eustace Alliott


"A short film featuring two brief sequences. The first Near Latimer features cattle in a field. The second Rhododendron Time comprises Eunice Alliott walking alone and with a Chow Chow in the gardens of Ashridge House." (EAFA Database)

Rhos-on-Sea T.T., The

Date produced: 1931


Don Johnson

Rhythm of Life

Date produced: 1932


Henry Bulleid


"Amateur filmmaker, cinema historian and railway engineer H.A.V. Bulleid pays tribute to his dual loves of cinema and rail in an experimental short film. Bulleid uses 'metric editing' - the first of Russian director Sergei Eisenstein's 'methods of montage' - in which cuts are dictated by the number and sequence of frames, not what occurs on screen. First, Bulleid pays tribute to cinema, featuring the facades of picturehouses around Derby in static shots, which build to a dazzling crescendo of short shots. The section on trains features longer views of the railyards in operation, with trains shunting and coming into the station, before a final section focuses on trams, following electric streetcars as they move down urban streets" (EAFA Database).

Rhythm of the Rails

Date produced: 1958


Jack Pashkovsky


"Jack Pashkovsky must love the iron horse to muster the patience to gather the many scenes of the rails. A young girl (perhaps his daughter), bag in hand, boards the train for a distant trip to lend continuity. We see the train(s) at the station, in the hills, fields, valleys, desert, tunnels, bridges-just about every place where a train can be seen. The audience is permitted to view the panorama from high and low places, atop the train, and from the cab. A study of trains in motion which holds interest throughout" PSA Journal, Nov. 1958, 48.


Date produced: 1932


Fred C. Ells

Ruth Ells


"Documentary: On peasant farm life in Korea, the rice crop and family labor." National Archives.

"'Rice,' a three reel subject in the educational class entered by F. C. Ells of Yokohama, Japan, demonstrated a fine appreciation of production and photographic values as well as how to combine it so as to make entertainment. Many were of the opinion that this picture, if it were in 35mm, would be worthy of professional theatre presentation." American Cinematographer, Dec. 1933, 321.

Rice and Farmer

Date produced: 1967


Masakazu Ueda


"Rice and Farmer depicts the life and toil of the Japanese who raise rice for a living. Ueda, who made the film, has a keen eye for composition. Few filmers today pause long enough to look for a pleasing view through the lens before pressing the trigger, but this is one of Ueda's strong points, and his film is a joy to see for this one aspect alone" PSA Journal, Aug. 1967, 37.

Rice Harvest in Japan

Date produced: 1971


Veda Linford

James B. Linford


"Rice Harvest in Japan by James and Veda Linford, PSA members of Oakland, Calif. The Linfords have presented another pirze film to go along with their former winners. This 8-minute 16mm film was awarded a Ten Best Medal" PSA Journal, Nov. 1971, 41

Riches from the Sea

Date produced: 1938


T. J. Courtney


"The story, older than the craft of lobster fishing, of a ten year old boy earning his own first few pennies is told beautifully and sensitively in Riches from the Sea, by T. J. Courtney. As simple and human as the life of those it pictures, this film captures the spirit of the young fisher boy as he goes about his work of baiting and dropping lobster pots. They are his own, just given by his father. The money he makes from selling the lobsters he catches, some of which he boils on the beach, is also his own. Finally, when the last one is purchased by tourists along the dusty road and the boy races to the village, clutching his coins, to buy the coveted store window toy, the picture swells to its climax, fully equal to the importance of the occasion in the youngster's life. Lovely angles and expert composition bring beauty in black and white to the photography, and the acting, by Philip Boutilier and his little sister Lorraine, of Seabright, Nova Scotia, is unaffected and agreeable. This photoplay illustrates how completely the locale and life of an interesting community can be conveyed by threading it on a simple story of human nature." Movie Makers, Dec. 1938, 597.

Richmond Under Three Flags

Date produced: 1937


Waldo E. Austin


"To love a place so well that you can film it so well that the result becomes commercially sought is not the happy fortune of every movie amateur. Waldo E. Austin's Richmond Under Three Flags was paid for by the Morris Plan Bank of Virginia, in Richmond, and is distributed by the Virginia Conservation Commission. Here, a man of culture and a filmer of exceptional care and refinement has given us his own home, lovingly and interestingly presented, with a happy quota of cinematic ornaments. The pace of this accomplishment is leisurely, as was the Old South, yet its manner is modern, as is the new Richmond. In the title wordings, Mr. Austin is especially fortunate, avoiding banality on the one hand and '"fine writing" on the other, with just enough rhetoric to give the flavor of one of the country's most rhetorical centers. The interior scenes of public buildings have been accomplished with an apparent effortlessness that conceals a great deal of effort. Here is the publicity film in its most suave expression." Movie Makers, Dec. 1937, 627-628.

Total Pages: 299