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Reflections of a Company

Date produced: 1970


John J. Hennessy


A film sponsored by the Crown Zellerbach Corporation, an American pulp and paper conglomerate.


Date produced: 1939


Hugh Baddeley


"The true story of a French woman, Madame Baudhuin, who was presented to King George V in 1927 in recognition of her heroism in the Great War. Following a battle in Flanders on 26th August 1914, near Le Cateau, Mme. Baudhuin hid a British soldier, John Herbert Cruickshanks. Despite his discovery and their imprisonment they are saved by the rapid advance of British troops. (EAFA Database)

A 'Musical Direction' credit for Eric Freeman, suggests a specially-composed accompaniment, but no recordings were passed to the IAC (EAFA Database).


Date produced: 1929

Rejuvenation of Reggie, The

Date produced: 1929


Date produced: 1931


Harry Aberle

Reluctant Revolution, The

Date produced: 1968


Michael B. Styer


"Deals with innovations in education: new set-ups such as learning centers and new approaches to teaching in old schools," via WorldCat.

Remnants Of The Past

Date produced: 1948


Alan Probert


"Alan Probert has confined his study of Mexico to the primitive Otomi Indians. With startling clarity and a fine cinematic eye for detail, he presents the tribal group in a series of sketches that reveal the age old customs of their forefathers still in daily use — sowing and reaping, spinning and weaving, trading and worshipping. Remnants Of The Past is an expertly filmed factual account of the subject, which would have gained considerably from greater unity and a stronger ending." Movie Makers, Dec. 1948, 494.

Remote Control

Date produced: 1933


Louis W. Bleser


"Among the films awarded honorable mention is Remote Control, by Louis W. Bleser, ACL, which gives a fine cinematic exposition of the activities of a train despatcher, by means of an unusually well equipped miniature railway system. Here the technical problem is especially important, calling for closeup studies of the first quality, the aim being so to light and photograph the subject that there would be a semblance of realism. In effecting this result, the use of well chosen titles and fine editing played no small part. Such a film as this upholds the maxim that "cinematics begin at home." " Movie Makers, Dec. 1933, 522.

Remote Control

Date produced: 1937


Milton Dowe

Repair of an Indirect Inguinal Hernia

Date produced: 1946


Vincent Vermooten


"Extreme clarity and freedom from the shadows frequently encountered in medical films mark the technical details of the surgery shown in Dr. Vincent Vermooten's Repair of an Indirect Inguinal Hernia. Dr. Vermooten was, from the beginning, acutely conscious of the problems involved in bringing the proper light sources to bear upon a complex operation in which every bit of motion possesses great significance. To make certain of a steady and complete lighting scheme, he constructed a special platform above the operating table. Floodlights, closely bunched about the platform, left no possibility of inadequately lighted areas. The result is a record of an operation, masterfully pointed up by lighting, which should prove invaluable for instructional purposes." Movie Makers, Dec. 1946, 488.

Total Pages: 299