"Oscar Horovitz has come through with another of his fine travelogs, this time from Burma. In Rangoon is the Shwe Dagon Pagoda, sometimes called The Golden Pagoda. It is one of the largest and most magnificent pagodas on earth and has a special sanctity to one-fifth of mankind. Another exquisite golden structure is the Sule Pagoda, the world peace pagoda. Rangoon displays the influence of the west, having fought three wars with Britain, and became a colony in 1885. Its independence was regained following World War II. Rangoon also enjoys its periods of play and the Water Festival is one of those occasions when everyone accepts a wetting in the spirit and fun of the occasion" PSA Journal, Nov. 1958, 48.
"This is an acted melodrama which takes place on Runton Heath and Incleborough Hill. The captions tell the story line" (EAFA Database).
"RATAMATA is a portrait of the diverse opinions of Chicagoans (ranging from high school students to habitual mayoral candidate Lars Daly) as they reflect on the general state of affairs in America, the war in Vietnam, social and racial conflict, freedom and personal liberty, happiness, and social justice." Chicago Film Archives
"An amateur film about a raccoon." Center for Home Movies.
"Recessional is a bit of animation drawn directly on a piece of white film using a variety of colors and set to music by the Beatles" PSA Journal, Aug. 1967, 37.
"This picture was made with indoor lighting and showed a very consistent photography." American Cinematographer, Dec. 1934, 377.
"A joint project of the members of the Motion Picture Photography Class of the Westchester Workshop, in White Plains, N. Y., Recreation Handmade is notable for its evenness of camera work. It presents in a naturally episodic fashion various handiwork classes available to children and adults of the community. If you like to work with your hands, this film will make you eager to enroll in one of the many activities offered — which, of course, is the purpose of its production. A rather full commentary describes how the courses work. Walter Bergmann, as instructor of the motion picture course, proves with his pupils' film that practical movie making can be taught — and taught well." Movie Makers, Dec. 1949, 470-471.
"Did any of us ever stop and think about the journey of a checker and that might be left in the street? Where would it travel? This red checker was assisted by the rain and it is carried in the storm drain and on into the stream and lake. We watch its excursion and constantly wonder where it will go. Don Jones shows us the travels of this red checker" PSA Journal, Oct. 1962, 36.
Total Pages: 299