"doc. a fantasia"/avant-garde documentary
"Amateur film in one continuous shot parodying a talk show, where the guests promoting an Institute of Amateur Cinematographers (IAC) gathering in the next year get carried away with their enthusiasm, much to the chagrin of the host." Chicago Film Archives
"Once again the Lawlers permit us an intimate glimpse into the lives of their family. Number 10 (boy or girl?) has joined the family and introduces all the brothers and sisters, who, in turn, tell us of their personal doings. The time has come for Number 10 to undergo the ritual of his first haircut. The whole family participates, and each child vividly recalls his or her own experience of the "first haircut." Mother's tears fall as the curls fall, but all is cheerfully forgotten as their beautiful "girl" emerges from the barber's apron a handsome boy. All narration, in each child's voice, is in rhyme, and the charm of the children is heard as well as seen, making this a truly outstanding family film" PSA Journal, Oct. 1963, 40.
The film chronicles the struggles of young medical interns who had to perform compulsory rural service as part of their medical training.
"An amateur film made by and starring the husband and wife duo, John & Evelyn Kibar. The film follows John, a cake decorator, as he struggles to keep up with the bakery’s cake orders. Title cards with dialogue are dispersed throughout the film." Chicago Film Archives
"The Nugget, as one might expect, is a nugget of gold, produced by the Los Angeles 8mm Club. This type of picture offers the desirable opportunity to engage many of the club members for production purposes as well as parts in the story. There are the old miner, his niece, her boy friend (who is also the sheriff), the Marshal, and the outlaws. Much of the story was filmed in the Ghost Town at Knott's Berry Farm outside Los Angeles. The interiors were filmed in the garage after suitable props had been constructed. The music and spoken word contribute atmosphere and understanding. An excellent Western picture" PSA Journal, Nov. 1957, 53.
Total Pages: 299