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Norwich Jubilee Scenes

Date produced: 1935


Edward Le Grice


A film about King George V's Jubilee filmed in Norwich.

Norwich Scenes in Dufaycolor

Date produced: 1934


Edward Le Grice


‘"The logo for Dufaycolor is at the head of the film. The subject matter was chosen to show off the process of the film stock's built-in colour filters" (EAFA Database).

Nosotros sí existimos [We do exist]

Date produced: 1972


"El guión tenía una fuerte influencia de La hora de los hornos, y tendía a la explicación pedagógica de las condiciones de opresión, mostrando la diferencia entre la forma de vida de ricos y pobres y con una explicación sencilla de cómo el capitalismo sienta las bases de una explotación que finalmente es la base de las razones de la huelga [El filme muestra la huelga de Rivetex en Cuernavaca] . El título de la película (Nosotros sí existimos) jugaba con el término legal que había declarado la huelga inexistente" (Vázquez Mantecón, 2012). "The script had a strong influence of The hour of the furnaces , and it tended to a pedagogical explanation of the conditions of oppression, showing the difference between the way of life of the rich and the poor, along with a simple explanation of how capitalism sets the basis for exploitation, which is the origin of the strike [The film portrays the Rivetex strike in Cuernavaca]. The title of the film [We do exist] played with the legal term that had declared the strike non-existent" (Vázquez Mantecón, 2012).


Date produced: 1962


John R. Kibar

Evelyn Kibar


"An amateur film made by and starring the husband and wife duo, John & Evelyn Kibar. After Mrs. Kibar asks Mr. Kibar to throw away his old collectables, or “junk,” Mr. Kibar begins reflecting on past travels. Only later do we find out this travel sequence is actually just a dream." Chicago Film Archives

Not One Word

Date produced: 1934


Kenneth F. Space

Ghex Foster


"Not One Word, by Kenneth F. Space, ACL, is an all around triumph of amateur photoplay production. It is a simple melodrama of the keeper of a lighthouse, his wife and the rejected suitor who returns. A wreck at sea (beautifully staged in miniature) is the complicating dramatic factor, and, with these ingredients, a dignified motion picture story of remarkable unity has been produced. In it, Mr. Space and his able staff have blended dramatic lighting, authentic settings and superb photography to achieve a distinguished whole. Under restrained but smoothly paced direction, the three leading players have enacted their roles with definite histrionic skill. If one were to try to select a single quality in the film which is outstandingly brilliant, the vote of this observer would be cast for the cutting. It is accurate and incisive, adding that last bit of dramatic "punch" which is perhaps the quality least often achieved by the amateur producer. Not One Word speaks for itself, but in the wordless and potent idiom of cinematic imagination." Movie Makers, Dec. 1934, 534.

Note di giovinezza [Notes of Youth]

Date produced: 1937


Vittorio Gallo


documentary chronicle about the Gruppi Universitari Fascisti (GUF) female championship in Rome, September 1937

Nothing Venture

Date produced: 1939


Laurie Day

Stuart Day


"Stuart Day relaxes at home. He is reading a book entitled 'Let’s Go Abroad'. His eye is caught by a description of a 9 day tour, including 6 nights in Zermatt in Switzerland, at a price of £9-19-6 (inclusive). Putting the book aside, he pulls out of his jacket a letter from the Rubber Neck Co. it is bad news. The letter informs the company’s shareholders that due to poor summer sales, no dividend will be paid. With a deep sigh, he puts the letter to one side, picks up the book and begins to flick through its pages. He chances upon an amateur film-making competition, with a range of cash prizes. Entry forms for the competition will be forwarded with the travel tickets purchased. Stuart Day looks around the room as deliberates how he can fund his holiday. His eyes settle on the amateur filmmaking trophies sitting on the sideboard and he decides to pawn them. He takes the trophies and receives cash. The opening sequence concludes as he places his tickets from the Polytechnic Touring Association into a wallet. The travel footage follows" (EAFA Database).


Date produced: 1937


Harry S. Smith


"The able talent of the Rockville Cinema Club again has produced an excellent photoplay. In Notoriety, the acting of this seasoned group of players sets a high standard for amateurs, and the work of the leading lady deserves special mention. Able direction and camera work help to carry along a story which has a few weak spots in its structure, for the film has a surprising amount of suspense, which is unusual in amateur dramatic ventures. There are several smooth comedy sequences that are extraordinarily well handled, and there are interior scenes of outstanding quality in lighting. The work of this group constitutes a good example to those who feel that good films are made only with elaborate equipment, for this picture tells its story in straightforward, workmanlike sequences filmed with the simplest of accessories." Movie Makers, Dec. 1937, 629-630.

Notturno [Nocturne]

Date produced: 1935


Fernando Cerchio

Notturno n°2 [Nocturne n°2]

Date produced: 1935


Fernando Cerchio


"dis. animazione a soggetto"/animation

Total Pages: 299