“Sinematek.TV film arkeolojisine devam ediyor! 1979 yılında Stockholm’da düzenlenen Nazım Hikmet’i Anma Gecesi’ndeki Ruhi Su, Zülfü Livaneli, Tuncel Kurtiz’in performansları Muammer Özer tarafından kaydedilmiş ve İlk defa Sinematek.tv tarafından yayınlanıyor.” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/nazim-hikmet-anmasi-stockholm-1979/ (15 November 2019).
“Sinematek TV continues its film archeology! Muammer Özer’s film of a commemoration night for Nazım Hikmet displays Ruhi Su, Zülfü Livnaeli, and Tuncel Kurtiz and Sinematek.tv screens it for the first time.” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/nazim-hikmet-anmasi-stockholm-1979/ (15 November 2019).
"Believing that he has been betrayed by his wife, the slightly Milquetoast lead character of Near Miss tries all imaginable methods of committing suicide — but without success. In presenting this simple saga of frustration, Barry W. Dance exhibits effective camera viewpoints, uniform exposures, convincing acting and a progression from one scene into the next which is done with precision and pace. Above all he preserves good taste in his plot episodes — a gracious accomplishment all too often slurred over in the strain for comic effect. Near Miss is a pleasant and entertaining farce." Movie Makers, Dec. 1952, 340.
"Excellent casting, artful direction, a true story in a natural setting - blend these ingredients together, add a touch of suspense, and edit until well done. This recipe, carefully followed, has provided a well-balanced film, guaranteed to please the appetite of any audience. An outstanding club production" PSA Journal, Oct. 1963, 41.
"doc. didattico"/educational film
"a soggetto"/fiction film
"Another honorable mention goes to Leonard Clairmont, of 6247 Banner Place, Hollywood, Calif., for his tragedy, "Nemesis." Mr. Clairmont is an amateur cinematographer, although he is employed as a retoucher in a professional movie studio. "Nemesis" cost exactly $92.50. This entry was in 35 millimeters." Photoplay, Nov. 1929, 86
At home in the evening, a sophisticated young woman entertains an awkward male friend of her brother. They make small talk and dance to records -- but the boy's social anxiety overwhelms him, and he disappears in a puff of her cigarette smoke. (D.J. Duffy)
"Title, 'Nequasset Bridge is on new location of Route 1 near the famous ship-building city of Bath.'" oldfilm.org
Total Pages: 299