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Nave, La [The Ship]

Date produced: 1935


Giovanni Paolucci


"a sogg. lungh. norm." Feature fiction film

"La Nave, realizzato da Giovanni Paolucci, collaboratore tecnico Pietro Portalupi. Il difetto di questo film consiste nello scenario, nel non aver cioè gli autori trattato il tema in forma meno dispersiva, il protagonista, uomo disorientato ed inutile, senza uno scopo nella vita trova, col lavoro in una nave che alla fine viene varata e nell'atmosfera del fascismo, la sua strada. Un tema simile poteva essere trattato retoricamente o in modo più semplice e persuasivo; gli autori si sono attenuti alla via di mezzo, riuscendo ta­lora in buone sequenze, talora in sequenze dal­l'azione dispersiva. Migliore è la prima parte, quando Paolucci descrive il rapporto dell'uomo col mare, e prima, la sua solitudine; la fotografia è in queste scene piuttosto notevole."

"The Ship (La Nave), directed by Giovanni Paolucci, technical collaborator Pietro Portalupi. The defect of this film is in the scenario and in its authors not treating the subject in a less unorganized way. The protagonist, a disoriented and useless man, without a purpose in life, finds his way by working on a ship that is eventually launched and in the atmosphere of fascism. Such a theme could have been treated rhetorically or in a simpler and more persuasive way; the authors stuck to the middle ground, succeeding sometimes in good sequences, sometimes in sequences with dispersive action. The first is the best part, when Paolucci describes the man's relationship with the sea, and before that, his loneliness; the photography is quite remarkable in these scenes."

—Il ventuno 28 (Review of the G.U.F. of Venice), May 1935, p. 17-18

Nazım Hikmet Anması-Stockholm [Commemoration of Nazım Hikmet-Stockholm]

Date produced: 1979


Muammer Özer


“Sinematek.TV film arkeolojisine devam ediyor! 1979 yılında Stockholm’da düzenlenen Nazım Hikmet’i Anma Gecesi’ndeki Ruhi Su, Zülfü Livaneli, Tuncel Kurtiz’in performansları Muammer Özer tarafından kaydedilmiş ve İlk defa Sinematek.tv tarafından yayınlanıyor.” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/nazim-hikmet-anmasi-stockholm-1979/ (15 November 2019).

“Sinematek TV continues its film archeology! Muammer Özer’s film of a commemoration night for Nazım Hikmet displays Ruhi Su, Zülfü Livnaeli, and Tuncel Kurtiz and Sinematek.tv screens it for the first time.” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/nazim-hikmet-anmasi-stockholm-1979/ (15 November 2019).

Near Miss

Date produced: 1951


Barry W. Dance


"Believing that he has been betrayed by his wife, the slightly Milquetoast lead character of Near Miss tries all imaginable methods of committing suicide — but without success. In presenting this simple saga of frustration, Barry W. Dance exhibits effective camera viewpoints, uniform exposures, convincing acting and a progression from one scene into the next which is done with precision and pace. Above all he preserves good taste in his plot episodes — a gracious accomplishment all too often slurred over in the strain for comic effect. Near Miss is a pleasant and entertaining farce." Movie Makers, Dec. 1952, 340.

Necklace, The

Date produced: 1963


"Excellent casting, artful direction, a true story in a natural setting - blend these ingredients together, add a touch of suspense, and edit until well done. This recipe, carefully followed, has provided a well-balanced film, guaranteed to please the appetite of any audience. An outstanding club production" PSA Journal, Oct. 1963, 41.

Nel giardino del convento [In the Garden of the Convent]

Date produced: 1934

Nel regno dell’effimero [In the Realm of the Ephemeral]

Date produced: 1934


Luigi Movilla

Carlo Aguglia


"doc. didattico"/educational film

Nella soffitta dei ricordi [In the Attic of Memories]

Date produced: 1942


"a soggetto"/fiction film


Date produced: 1928


Leonard Clairmont


"Another honorable mention goes to Leonard Clairmont, of 6247 Banner Place, Hollywood, Calif., for his tragedy, "Nemesis." Mr. Clairmont is an amateur cinematographer, although he is employed as a retoucher in a professional movie studio. "Nemesis" cost exactly $92.50. This entry was in 35 millimeters." Photoplay, Nov. 1929, 86

Nemesis of Roger Riddle, The

Date produced: 1946


Stanley Fox


At home in the evening, a sophisticated young woman entertains an awkward male friend of her brother. They make small talk and dance to records -- but the boy's social anxiety overwhelms him, and he disappears in a puff of her cigarette smoke. (D.J. Duffy)

Neon A Go-Go

Date produced: 1971


Leon Paquette

Total Pages: 299