"Nature Of Life: From far away Trieste, Giuseppe Della Noce sent this 550 foot black and white sound film, which represents tremedous effort, both in the photography and in the sound recording. Displaying the sensitive poetic talents of its maker, Nature Of Life is by way of revelation of life itself. The opening shots, conceived with great imagination, suggest the beggining of time, the settling of the earth and its eventual population. The mating instinct is portrayed in a childhood friendship that ripens into love and finally marriage, and the picture goes on from there to show the progression of life symbolized finally by an old couple slowly plodding up a mountain path, while two frisky youngsters pass them coming down the mountain. Unfortunately choice of narrator for the comentary was not the best and the narration, on which much of the picture's continuity and effectiveness depends, falls far short of its goal." American Cinematographer, May. 1951, 192.
"Life-cycle phases and characteristics of frogs, toads and salamanders found in BC." (BC Archives)
"Oolichan fishing; the preparation and rendering of oil from oolichans by the Kwakiutl [First Nation]." (Camera West)
The oolichan or eulachon, sometimes known as the "candlefish," provides an oil or grease which is a historic dietary staple of the First Peoples of the Pacific Northwest.
"Making maple syrup in the Amish sections around Cleveland, Ohio. An owl and a raccoon symbolize nature and tie together the four seasons. The details of syrup making are integrated with life in the country throughout the year, especially the wildlife. Bird calls are synchronized." PSA Journal, Nov. 1956, 22.
"Shorebirds, waterfowl and other birds of BC." (BC Archives)
This film appears to have been produced during the years 1944 to 1952.
"Plants and birds in a BC marsh."(BC Archives)
"Animals found in the mountains of BC: birds, squirrels, chipmunks, black bear, deer, bighorn sheep, mountain goats, etc." (BC Archives)
This film appears to have been made during the years 1944-1950.
"Jim takes us with him on a visit through the gate at "Kidnapper Bird Sanctuary" and on to "Clifton Domain - Cape Kidnappers" along the path with its perils of falling rocks to the nesting ground of the Gannets for an absorbing and intimate visit with the birds as they build, nest, and care for the young" PSA Journal, Oct. 1961, 47.
"Zoological survey trip to Triangle Island; sea lions, puffins, and other birds, plus Indian artifacts." (BC Archives)
Total Pages: 299