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Mistaken Identity

Date produced: 1931


Leonard Saunders


Date produced: 1959


Honold H. Parks


"Short story of a man, too busy with his gardening chores to be patient of the playful impulses of a little girl. His attention is drawn to a sobering event which provides time to reflect. A simple story but rather difficult for the amateur. It has been well handled by Honold Parks" PSA Journal, Nov. 1959, 49.

Mister E

Date produced: 1960


Margaret Conneely


"A domestic black comedy, MISTER E expresses some of the edgier mischief and discontent that women of mid-century America could rarely express openly. This short film narrates the revenge acted out by a young wife, left at home while her husband is at a card game; by staging a rendezvous with a mannequin, this woman provokes an eruption of jealousy and violence before bringing about the desired marital tenderness." Chicago Film Archives

Mobile Homemaker, The

Date produced: 1961


Charles E. Phillips


"Film features a man and a woman interacting and ends with a 'Life sentence' sign" Archives of Ontario.

Moccasin, The

Date produced: 1940


Monroe Killy


"This film shows Ojibwe women at Squaw Point, Leech Lake tanning hides and making moccasins decorated with beadwork and an Arikara or Hidatsa woman at Fort Berthold, North Dakota tanning cow hide and doing quillwork on clothing." Minnesota Historical Society.

Moda italiana [Italian Fashion]

Date produced: 1936


Onorato Isacco


"doc. pubblicitario"/advertising documentary

Model Anesthesiologist, The

Date produced: 1966


Wallace M. Shaw


"The Model Anesthesiologist is a clam bake purely for fun by a group of the medical brotherhood who are having a sort of jam session in their own way with their own tools, and they are willing to let the camera record it all for posterity. They sing, they clown, and they poke holes in the back of some poor victim as they burlesque their workaday world" PSA Journal, Sept. 1966, 34.

Modelli Volanti [Flying Models]

Date produced: 1939


Baldo Bandini

Fernando de Francisco


"Il film è un documentario di propaganda e vuole sopratutto essere un invito verso l’aeromodellismo. Il modello volante è oggi progettato su basi scientifiche e costruito con criteri tecnici in perfetta analogia col velivolo moderno. Il film s’inizia con una rapida rassegna dei più rudimentali velivoli coniati dalla fantasia del bambino, dall’aeroplano di carta all’aquilone, sino al giocattolo. Qui s’inizia la sequenza della scuola degli aeromodellisti e la costruzione completa di un modello a struttura reticolare con motore a fili elastici. Sul campo di volo il modello riceve il battesimo dell’aria col suo primo volo, mentre, a contrasto con le rabbiose evoluzioni dei modelli a motore, i modelli veleggiatori lanciati con cavo volteggiano leggeri e sicuri. La più alta perfezione costruttiva e la maggior finezza aerodinamica caratterizzano i grandi modelli di alianti per lancio dal pendio, che sono argomento della terza parte del film. Spontaneo è il passaggio ideale e logico dai modelli alianti al volo veleggiato, palestra di addestramento dei giovani per i futuri ardimenti dei cacciatori e bombardieri dell’aria."

"The film is a propaganda documentary and above all wants to be an invitation to model aircraft hobbyism. The model airplane is today designed on a scientific basis and built with technical criteria in perfect analogy with the modern aircraft. The film begins with a quick review of the most rudimentary aircraft coined by the child's imagination, from the paper plane to the kite, to the toy. Here begins the sequence of the model aircraft school and the complete construction of a reticular structure model with an elastic line motor. On the airfield, the model receives the baptism of the air with its first flight, while, in contrast to the furious evolutions of the motorized models, the sailplane models launched with cable fly light and safe. The highest constructive perfection and the greatest aerodynamic finesse make the large models of gliders, which are the subject of the third part of the film, suitable for launch from the slope. Spontaneous is the ideal and logical transition from glider models to soaring flight, a training ground for young people for the future feats of hunters and air bombers."—LITTORIALI DEL CINEMA ANNO XVIII program

"...che illustra il procedimento della costruzione in laboratorio dei modelli volanti, ponendo a raffronto il breve volo dei piccoli modelli con quello delle moderne pesanti macchine aeree"—I Littoriali del cinema: Un’altra interessante serie di documentari, La Stampa, September 3, 1939

"...which illustrates the process of laboratory construction of flying models, comparing the short flight of small models with that of modern heavy aerial machines."

Modello 91 [Model 91]

Date produced: 1935


Fernando de Francisco

Baldo Bandini


"doc. didattico"/educational film

Modern Design

Date produced:


Robert Davis


Two men perform a song titled "Modern Design" and encourage the film's viewer to participate in the performance.

Total Pages: 299