"The Little Swan is an animated film using paper cut-outs, and is tailored to fit the music of the Swan Lake Ballet. A little girl cuts out the images and watches them dance through the air, only to be trampled under foot when her little brother and his friends get into a scrap over a football" PSA Journal, Sept. 1966, 35.
"An abstraction made by scratching patterns on black and white film with a needle. The clear areas were tinted with acetate dyes - thus adding color. The visual images are fitted to the mood and tempo of a commercial recording. The film was made without the use of a camera and required no developing. A novel presentation. This will be blown up to 16mm and will be included in the Package," PSA Journal, Oct. 1962, 35.
Also referenced as "Littoria"
documentary chronicle
documentary chronicle
documentary chronicle
documentary chronicle
documentary chronicle
Total Pages: 299