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Harvard M. Armstrong

Club Affiliation

Maine Amateur Cinema League




American Cinematographer Amateur Movie Makers Contest, 1932 - Equipment Prize, Victor Animatograph Company, Best picture from each state - Maine
American Cinematographer Amateur Movie Makers Contest, 1932 - Certificate Award, Second Place, Kodacolor
American Cinematographer Amateur Movie Makers Contest, 1934 - Honorable Mention
American Cinematographer Amateur Movie Makers Contest, 1936 - Honorable Mention


Maine Coast (1931)

Lore of the River (1931)

Coming Forth of A Nation, The (1933)

Skating Symphony (1935)

Biographical Notes:

"A landscape painter who lived in Cape Elizabeth, Maine, Harvard Armstrong owned the J.W. Armstrong Co., which was a store and restaurant. He was a member of an informal painting group, called The Brushians, who hung around the store and called Armstrong 'The Constable'." via askART.com

Bibliographic Resources:

American Cinematographer, Jan. 1933, 25.
Harvard M. Armstrong on askART.com