Image of Binenkorb and his wife Marion C. Binenkorb in 1984 via Cornell University Rare Book and Manuscript Collections.
PSA Journal states he was from Middletown, New York. His name is misspelled as "Binekorb" in the 1960 issue.
"Aaron L. Binenkorb was born in 1903 in New York City and grew up in Middletown, New York. Following his graduation from Cornell in 1925, he worked for a furniture company in Buffalo and then as owner/operator of E.L. Tichenor Company, Inc., a wholesale paper supplier based in Middletown. After retiring from his business in 1950, Binenkorb traveled widely on cruise ships and pursued his interests in photography and cinematography by making travel films. From 1960 until 1980, Binenkorb was a port lecturer and showed his films on cruise lines" (Cornell University Library).
PSA Journal, Nov. 1960, 41.
The Cornell University Library holds the Aaron L. Binenkorb Films,[ca. 1950-1980]; see: Aaron L. Binenkorb Films, #6689. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library..