Still from With the Old Berkeley Hunt via EAFA
United Kingdom
700 ft
"Two reels of film recording the activities of the Old Berkeley Hunt in the cubbing and hunting seasons." (EAFA Database)
This film is part of the Institute of Amateur Cinematographers Collection held by the East Anglian Film Archive, Norwich, UK.
Institute of Amateur Cinematographers Collection, East Anglian Film Archive
"The first reel includes footage of a visit to the foxhound kennels at Coldmoreham and the progress of a cubbing meet starting at the River Chess, Solesbridge in August. The second reel includes footage of hunting meets at Latimer House, Bovingdon, Scatterdells, Amersham Broadway, Great Hampden, and Hartwell House. The first reel includes shots of the kennels and hounds at Coldmoreham; the hounds being exercised and returning to their kennels; a cubbing meet at River Chess, Solesbridge, including footage of a fox being dug out after ‘going to ground’, the training of young hounds after the kill and one rider attempting to contain a fox cub within a covert near Micklefield Hall. The second reel includes shots of the starts of hunting meets, including the initiation of new members of the hunt (Scatterdells), horses and hounds in the field and a fox’s carcass being thrown to the hounds after a kill. The film concludes with a shot after another kill in which a fox’s head is cut off and its body thrown in the air to the waiting hounds." (EAFA Database)