United States
1600 ft
"When The Red Gods Call, 1600 ft., 16mm., is noteworthy as an exceptional record of wild animal life in the great north woods and was made by W. H. Dodge. With infinite patience and camera skill, Mr. Dodge succeeded in recording the natural movements of moose, bear and other wild animal subjects and his photography under difficult conditions, as exemplified in this film, is exceptional. The results gained in many of the telephoto shots and in shots taken with fast lenses and superspeed film were made possible by a specialized cine outfit, developed by the maker of the film himself. Beautiful nature shots, as well as exceptional night and flare work, add to the original qualities of this film." Movie Makers, Dec. 1931, 685-686.
Do you know where this film is? Get in touch with us at amdb@ucalgary.ca.