Still from A Visit to the ACHEMA Exhibition Kőln and Some Things Seen Elsewhere via EAFA
United Kingdom
400 ft
"Films recording sightseeing excursions made by delegates from the Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) while attending the ACHEMA exhibition in Cologne in 1934, and street scenes in and around the Rőmerberg in Frankfurt in the mid/ late-1930s. (EAFA Database)
This film is part of the Institute of Amateur Cinematographers Collection held by the East Anglian Film Archive, Norwich, UK.
Institute of Amateur Cinematographers Collection, East Anglian Film Archive
"A Visit to the Achema Exhibition Kőln and some things seen elsewhere’ includes scenes in Cologne and from excursions outside Cologne with fellow SCI delegates. Scenes in Cologne comprise: the President of the SCI smokes a pipe and drinks beer on the train to Cologne; SCI delegates at the ACHEMA exhibition, including the President, relax in dining areas; pan shot of Cologne from the Exhibition Tower, showing pre-World War II city landscape with church spires and cathedral; street scenes outside the cathedral in the Domplatz and in nearby streets, including shots of trams and architectural detail on the exterior of cathedral. Scenes on sightseeing trips outside Cologne. Three SCI delegates on the train to Bonn; shots of the Rhine and delegates admiring the view. Encounters in the countryside near Daun including shots of youths flying a glider; youths at the Dauner Maaren pushing bikes, one of whom carries a flag and swastika; a young girl herding cattle near the Weinfelder Maar. Shots of a waterfall, the ruins of Landshut castle and a view of the Mosel valley from Landshut Castle. Shots of SCI delegates tasting wine in a vineyard (Pratt and two others in the tasting shot); Eustace Alliott and another delegate taste wine in possibly a different vineyard. Shot of the Rhine in the evening near Drachenfels, south of Bonn. The film connected with the visit to the ACHEMA exhibition concludes with further scenes in Cologne: the Rhine in the evening, showing a skyline including the cathedral, church spires and bridge in silhouette; old friends, an old couple, in a garden in Cologne. ‘Things seen in Frankfurt’ includes: street scenes in the Rőmerberg with a focus on architecture; street scenes presumably near the Rőmerberg, with shots of children playing; panoramic shots near the Eisener Steg on the river Main including the cathedral; street scenes near cathedral; shots of the river Main further upriver" (EAFA Database)