United States
2 reels
"Two Minutes to Play, running two reels, 16mm., and a production of the Greenbrier Amateur Movie Club under the direction of Hal Morey, ACL, stands out among the year's films because of its unusually deft cutting and shrewd camera treatment. Although plotted on the standard football yarn, the picture tells its story swiftly, smoothly and with a rising tempo of excitement that is a direct tribute to the production and to the editing. Consistently good photography, effective and varied camera angles and a well planned script were contributing factors in the success of this genuinely entertaining film story." Movie Makers, Dec. 1932, 538.
Production credits for the film are listed in Movie Makers (April 1932, 150).
Movie Makers (Oct. 1932, 452) notes that the ACL added Two Minutes to Play to its Club Film Library.
Do you know where this film is? Get in touch with us at amdb@ucalgary.ca.